Twitter Shows How The News Is Made, And It's Not Pretty — But It's Better...
Not long after the Boston Marathon bombings occurred on Monday afternoon, several Twitter users noted that these kinds of real-time news events illustrate how incredible the service is as a source of...
View ArticleLessons Learned Raising $6 Million
After raising our $1.3 million seed round for Yipit, we raised $6 million a year later from Highland Capital, RRE, IA Ventures, DFJ Gotham and others.It turns out that the process of raising a $1.3...
View ArticleAdvice I Wish I Could Have Given Myself 5 Years Ago
Since going down the startup path, I’ve made so many mistakes, struggled so many times, failed in almost every way you can.But, we turned the corner after a few years of hard work. We’re now 25 people...
View ArticleThe Other Reason We Were in Stealth Mode
When we quit our jobs to start a new company, the first question we always got: “So, what are you working on?”It’s actually a question I hated getting.It puts you on the spot. You feel like you’re...
View ArticleWhy Instagram Took Off and Your Startup Hasn’t
You can put all of today’s apps into two user acquisition buckets.There are the apps where people push their actions to Facebook and their Facebook friends sign-up for the app (e.g. Instagram,...
View ArticleY-Combinator’s “No Idea” Round Isn’t a Bad Idea, It’s Awesome
A few days ago, Facebook Co-Founder Dustin Moskovitz said that Y-Combinator’s “No Idea” round for entrepreneurs is “really wrong”.He further says “the only reason you should become an entrepreneur is...
View ArticleThe Depressing Day After You Get TechCrunched
If you’re a first-time reader, you can get future posts by subscribing via email or following me on Twitter.Note: This post is loosely based on our experience 2 years ago when TechCrunch covered...
View ArticleEveryone at Yipit is Now Learning to Code
The spread of the internet will put people into two groups: “People who tell computers what to do, and people who are told by computers what to do.” - Marc AndreessenFive years ago, I was firmly in...
View ArticleThe 6 Books That Actually Saved Our Startup
After about 6 months of struggling to get something off the ground, I realized a sobering truth: I had no idea what I was doing.My startup instincts were terrible.So, I went on a mission to learn from...
View ArticlePhotosharing Site Pumpic Comes Out of Beta, Promises Privacy
Sharing photos in the cloud is more popular than ever, with millions of photos uploaded to the Web each and ever day. Now, major sites like Facebook and Picassa have a new competitor, as photosharing...
View ArticleBluetooth
I have written about Bluetooth before. I am very bullish on Bluetooth even though its an old protocol that has its challenges. It may not be as potent as Airplay and DLNA but I feel like its ubiquity...
View ArticleFacebook Is Talking To Apple About Creating A 'Home' For The iPhone
Facebook is in talks with Apple to create a version of its Facebook Home Android software for the iPhone, an executive of the social network has claimed.Facebook Home was introduced to the British...
View ArticlePeople Are Trying To 'Crowdsource' The Identity Of The Boston Bomber With...
While the world waits for the FBI to identify and arrest suspect(s) in the Boston marathon bombings, people are attempting to "crowdsource" the identify of "suspects" through online information sharing...
View ArticleStop Trying to Catch Lightning in a Bottle
I’m sure you’ve all heard saying derived from Voltaire, “don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good” which in a way is encapsulated in the lean startup movement and the ideology of shipping a “minimum...
View ArticleMeasuring customer satisfaction
There was a great thread this week on the Foundry CEO email list about Net Promoter Score and how companies are using it to measure the satisfaction of their customers (specifically in the case of...
View Article#3010: The Video
I blogged last year about the amazing 40th birthday trip my wife Greeley sent me and 9 friends on – cycling through Slovenia and Italy (original blog post along with a bunch of pictures here). We had a...
View ArticleThe Democratization of Entrepreneurship
One of the great trends we’ve been witnessing over the past decade, and in particular the past 5 years, has been what you might call the “democratization” of entrepreneurship”. It’s a powerful trend...
View ArticleWith isocket, programmatic is taking a bite out of the big side of the pie
For about the past 18 months I’ve been talking about the coming of programmatic technologies (machine to machine buying and selling) to the premiums side of the display ecosystem. It was one of my...
View ArticleWelcome Costanoa
While the world may not need more venture capitalists, it definitely needs more good ones. Enter Costanoa Venture Capital– launched today by long time investor and entrepreneur (and friend) Greg...
View ArticleMarc Barros on the shift from Product to Marketing/Sales
Marc Barros, the founder of Contour cameras wrote a great follow-up to my post on your company’s shift from a product focus to building out a sales and marketing organization that’s definitely worth...
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