iOS And Android Games Of The Week: October 26, 2012
This article originally appeared on Modojo. Excuse us for not throwing tons of updates on Modojo today. A certain free word game killed productivity on what should be a busy Friday. On that note, and...
View ArticleRockstar Celebrates Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Ten Year Anniversary With...
Where were you the night Rockstar Games released Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, circa October 29, 2002? A lot has changed since anti-hero Tommy Vercetti ran amok in that Miami-inspired wonderland, and...
View ArticleMicrosoft’s mid-life cris
It’s a well-known trope of many Hollywood movies: the former high school champions marries the prom queen, who also happens to be the daughter of the richest man in town, and several decades down the...
View ArticleGmail Meter
I tried out a new service this past week called Gmail Meter. It's a free analytics service that tells you stuff about how you use Gmail. It is brought to market by the folks at ShuttleCloud, which...
View ArticlePlay Offense When Predicting Revenue
I got an email today from an exec at a company who I was with at a recent board meeting. I thought it was a powerful summary of part of our discussion, specifically around the sales pipeline for Q4...
View ArticleKindle Fire HD, iPad Mini and Pricing
The power of pricing: “Wednesday was the $199 Kindle Fire HD’s biggest day of sales since launch and up 3x week over week” – AllThingsD Read more posts on » Please follow SAI on Twitter...
View ArticlePublishing with Siri
I still believe this experience is magical. And as I’ve written before, I still believe the power of Siri (or Google Voice, Microsoft sync, etc) is dictation. Read more posts on » Please...
View ArticleiPhone And iPad Price Drops: October 30, 2012
10000000 The developer says: "10000000 is a dungeon-crawling RPG matching game. Run the dungeon and match to handle the things you encounter. Can you score 10000000 and earn your freedom?" Price:...
View ArticleContract Killer 2 Updated To Version 1.0.1
Popular sniper game Contract Killer 2 has just been updated to version 1.0.1 on the App Store. A version of the update for Android gamers has yet to be released. This first update introduces a new...
View ArticleRagdoll Blaster 3: Deluxe Review (iPhone, iPad)
The Ragdoll Blaster series may not have garnered quite the same amount of public attention as that other physics action puzzler Angry Birds, but that hasn't stopped it from enjoying remarkable success...
View ArticleReflections on Sandy
I ended yesterday's post with this: Hurricane Sandy looks to be coming through NYC at that time and I don't know what that may cause me and my family to be doing at that time. We live right on the...
View ArticleAngel investing is almost certainly not for you
This is a difficult post for me to write. I think starting a company is one of the most valuable things that anyone can do. I’ve started a few and helped some other people do the same. But the...
View ArticleLooking For A Design HackStar for Startup Revolution
I’m starting to integrate a bunch of new stuff into the Startup Revolution site now that I’ve finished book #2: Startup Life: Surviving and Thriving in a Relationship with an Entrepreneur. I’m looking...
View ArticleWelcome To The Jony Ive Era At Apple
Apple’s Monday afternoon management shake-up was a historic one, the largest the company has seen since the ouster of former CEO Gil Amelio in 1997. And while details of the ousters of Scott Forstall...
View ArticleApple's Scott Forstall's Fatal Mistake Was Not Signing iOS 6 Maps Apology...
Scott Forstall — the departing Apple executive who'd become the public face of iOS in his role as head of mobile software — may have met his demise when he refused to put his name on the apology...
View ArticleMake No Mistake: It's Tim Cook's Apple Now
Tim Cook’s biggest challenge at post-Steve Jobs Apple was supposed to be keeping together its brilliant executive leadership team. But after the failed launch of Apple Maps last month and his own...
View ArticleSmartGlass Delivers Wii U Like Experience To Forza Horizon
Microsoft made a very minor splash this past June when the company revealed its SmartGlass technology for Windows 8, software that works in conjunction with Xbox 360 games to provide an experience...
View ArticleHalloween Updates: Rage Of Bahamut, Pocket Planes, Tiny Tower And More
Greetings ghoulish gamers! Mobage has just announced all of the seasonal content currently available for its mobile games. Got one of these on your iPhone, iPad or Android device? Grab the updated...
View ArticleFacebook, Sandy & Data
Really like this post from Facebook’s Facebook + Media page: “Top-10 Shared Terms by people on Facebook in the U.S. as of 10 AM ET” Read more posts on » Please follow SAI on Twitter and...
View ArticleNeed For Speed: Most Wanted Review (iOS, Android)
Need For Speed Most Wanted is by far one of the prettiest video games we've played for iOS and Android. Electronic Arts and the talented developers at Firemonkeys seemingly spared no expense in...
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