Reaching Targeted Users with Log Out Pages: Facebook + Fab
I have written before about the value of Facebook’s homepage for logged out users: both from a promotional (huge lift for Facebook; both Facebook + Twitter do it) and advertising perspective (eBay...
View ArticleRandom Act of Kindness – Jedi Max
BuildWidget('jedim'); Medical Fundraising Made Simple On Sunday I’ll be running the Detroit Marathon with a bunch of friends including my partner Jason Mendelson who is running his first marathon....
View ArticleSymphonica Review (iPad)
To the best of our knowledge this is the first mobile music game since the wonderful Frederic: Resurrection of Music to take a break from whatever it is young people listen to these days and focus on...
View ArticleiOS And Android Games Of The Week: October 19, 2012
What a week. It started with disappointment as it looked as though Mobage's long-awaited card battle game Marvel War of Heroes hadn't just slipped its original release date, it had gone entirely AWOL....
View ArticleAgency problems
“Agency problems” are what economists call situations where a person’s interests diverge from his or her firm’s interests. Large companies are in a constant state of agency crisis. A primary roles of...
View ArticleObama's Finally Enjoying Himself On The Campaign Trail -- What Took So Long?
I WENT TO FAIRFAX, Virginia, earlier today to watch President Barack Obama accuse his Republican opponent of changing positions so often that he must be suffering from a new medical condition, which...
View ArticleGet out in town
I’ve long complained about groupthink and how it helps create sub-standard products in the long run but two trends in the tech world seem to reinforce the concept of building gated communities that...
View ArticleStartup Thought Leaders With The Most Authentic Twitter Followers
This article previously appeared in Forbes. Not surprisingly, the most influential startup bloggers are those with the largest number of Twitter followers. However, given the rash of accusations...
View ArticleThe Disorganized Mess of Shipping
Amy and I shipped the final draft of Startup Life: Surviving and Thriving in a Relationship with an Entrepreneur yesterday. “If you are interested in this book, go pre-order it now on Amazon to help...
View ArticleThe Far Center PAC
The NY Times has a good post up today about Mike Bloomberg and his new Independence USA PAC. Frequent readers of this blog know that I am a big fan of Mike Bloomberg and his politics. I do not think...
View ArticleThe sound of inevitability crashing through the wall
I was at F.ounders for about ten seconds last week (I know, I know) and met only a fraction of the awesome people I should have. However I did get to have coffee with the mother of a young developer...
View ArticleDon't Look Back Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)
Indie developer Terry Cavanagh found himself in a spot of bother with Apple last week for having the audacity to state in his submission that Don't Look Back wasn't just free to download, there was...
View ArticleHow The iPad Mini Could Be A Massive Success For Apple In The Classroom (AAPL)
Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Julie Garcia handed Apple Inc. iPads to students in her seventh-grade pre-algebra class on a recent morning before showing the pupils how to use the tablet to graph data, hunt...
View ArticleHow To Be In Business Forever: Week Four
This is my final post for my Skillshare class on Sustainability. I will not do office hours this evening but I will do one final office hours next Monday, Oct 29th, from 6pm to 6:30pm. The link to...
View ArticleWhy Most Companies Won't Be Early Adopters Of Windows 8 (MSFT)
* Windows 8 to be released worldwide on Friday * Microsoft aims to win over young consumer crowd * Slow, selective adoption expected by core business customers SEATTLE, Oct 22 (Reuters) - There was...
View ArticleColorado – Entrepreneurial By Nature
Some time ago a group of entrepreneurs including my partner Seth Levine came together to talk about how to promote entrepreneurship in Colorado and celebrate the fact that entrepreneurship has become...
View ArticleEstimates For Apple's Q4 Earnings (AAPL)
Revenue: $36.2 billion (AAPL guidance: $34.0 billion/Consensus: $36.2 billion) I expect iPad and iPhone to represent approximately 69% of Apple’s quarterly revenue. GM: 40.8% (AAPL guidance:...
View ArticleIntroducing Colorado Entrepreneurial By Nature
When it comes to the question of nature vs. nurture for entrepreneurs it’s clear that both are important. While great entrepreneurs are born with at least the seed of that entrepreneurial spirit, it...
View ArticleIterations: The Harsh Realities Of iOS App Distribution
In this post, I’m going to try illuminate a tactical problem many application developers face, but unfortunately, I must claim upfront that I don’t know if any solution exists without a fundamental...
View ArticleWhat I Learned While Live-Tweeting A Friend's Funeral
There’s been a lot written about how social-media tools like Twitter and Facebook interfere with our daily lives, prevent us from living in the moment, get in the way of face-to-face interactions, and...
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