The iPhone Has Passed a Key Security Threshold
Less than a month after Apple first shipped the iPhone in June 2007, a group called Independent Security Evaluators documented deep security design flaws in the device. Apple's most embarrassing flub:...
View ArticleHow Big Data Became So Big
THIS has been the crossover year for Big Data — as a concept, as a term and, yes, as a marketing tool. Big Data has sprung from the confines of technology circles into the mainstream. First, here are...
View ArticleCarrier Data Confirms It: Half Of US Now Owns A Smartphone
For the first time, more people in the US own a smartphone than a regular talk and text devices, according to a new report from Chetan Sharma Consulting. Smartphone penetration exceeded 50 percent in...
View ArticleGoogle Nexus 7 Review
This article was originally published on our sister site in the DF Hardware channel. "Seven-inch tablets are going to be dead on arrival," chimed an ebullient Steve Jobs back in October...
View ArticleMonster Story (iPad) Review
Even just a few days ago we'd have struggled to summon up much enthusiasm for yet another iOS empire-building game. The genre's become over-saturated beyond belief, and there's very little to...
View ArticleThe Big Big Castle! Review (iPad)
Your immediate thought upon firing up The Big Big Castle for the first time is likely to be "Oh God no, not another free-to-play tower-builder?" We confess it happened to us, but brush those thoughts...
View ArticleBest Nintendo Inspired Games For iOS And Android
When it comes to portable gaming, most diehard Nintendo fans would probably choose a DS or 3DS over an iOS and Google-powered device, which is perfectly fine, as the big N provides unique experiences...
View ArticleHyundai Veloster Turbo And Genesis Coupe Drift Into Asphalt 7: Heat
Not to be outdone by the upcoming Real Racing 3, Gameloft announced a new update for the iOS and Android hit, Asphalt 7: Heat, complete with star power from Hyundai. Both parties teamed up to put...
View ArticleTavern Quest Cheats And Tips
What does a hero have to do around here to get some tasty Krakken Kabobs, or even a few delicious Trog Skewers? If you're playing Glu Mobile's iOS and Android game, Tavern Quest, then you're all too...
View ArticleScapegoating: The Revolving Door for the CMO
You’ve done everything right. You had an idea that you know solves a problem. You’ve spoken to customers and advisors, you have taken their feedback snd been through several product iterations, and...
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Physics racers are a bit of a mixed bag on mobiles, and we've yet to see a game successfully marry precision touchscreen controls with the physics engine experience of console heavyweight such as...
View ArticlePuzzle Craft Cheats And Tips
We've managed to tear ourselves away from the outstanding Puzzle Craft just long enough to gather our thoughts and put a guide together on how to master this devilishly addictive match-three kingdom...
View ArticleWIMM intros micro computer which fits into a watch!
We have many "smart" products around us -- smart-phones, smart-cars, smart-home-appliances, etc. Here's one more addition to the list -- smart-watch. Wondering what the hell is smartwatch? Well, it is...
View ArticleGet 20% Off Vineyard Vines Clothing
Looking to pick up some designer clothing to add to your Fall wardrobe? Vineyard Vines offers classic American style from patterned belts and ties to gingham shirts and other brightly colored...
View ArticleReal Boxing Powered By Unreal Engine, Punching iOS Q4 2012
We've seen Epic's Unreal Engine used in a few action titles, but what about sports games? Thankfully, Vivid Games will answer that question later this year, with its upcoming iOS fighter,Real Boxing....
View ArticleScribblenauts Remix Heads Back To School With Update 2.1
Most adults (including us) get excited upon hearing the words "back to school." It's the time of year when all the kiddies get kicked off the streets and playgrounds and back into the classroom,...
View ArticleRethinking Board Observers – The Role of the “Silent Observer”
It has always surprised me that founders were so quick to fight over how many board members there were and so quick to agree to have as many board observers as people wanted. I have always been...
View ArticleWhat Makes a Tablet Great?
It’s not the size of the machine that makes it appealing. It’s the content. And the connection. Let me start by saying that as a woman, the idea of a small, light, purse-size computer has always...
View ArticleFeature Friday: Camera Access On The Lock Screen
Our policy at USV is that all of our devices need to have lock screens. So I have one on all my phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. I don't mind it very much. Except when I want to take a quick...
View ArticleHorn Review (iPhone, iPad)
Fans of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda franchise and adventure games in general should playHorn, the newest iPhone and iPad release from Dark Meadow developer Phosphor Games Studio. Set within a...
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