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A disgraced ex-FIFA official made a dead serious response video to John Oliver


jack warner

Jack Warner, the disgraced ex-FIFA official who was indicted on corruption charges alongside eight other current and former FIFA officials, has called out HBO host John Oliver in a video message.

On Tuesday Oliver bought four minutes of ad time on Trinidad's TV6 and aired a segment directed toward Warner specifically. It was filmed in Oliver's studio and looked like a regular segment of his late-night show, complete with punch lines about Chuck Blazer's cats and the TV show "Mike and Molly."

Warner did not take it lightly. In response to Oliver saying Warner should turn on FIFA and reveal all their dirty secrets, Warner said he doesn't answer to a "comedian fool."

Warner's response video — running at nearly three minutes, half of which is rendered nearly inaudible by a soaring instrumental track — also criticized Oliver (whom he calls "American") for affecting a Caribbean accent at one point.

Warner opens:

"It is very incomprehensible how a local TV station, a national TV station, could allow a foreigner, also an American foreigner, to come into this country, to embarrass its citizens, to embarrass our people, to be critical of the way we speak, to be critical of the way we look, to be critical of our culture, and if that is what a local TV station wants to propagate on our population, I say heaven help us. I don't need any advice from any comedian fool who does not enter this country to tell me what facts to release or not to release. That is not his business. I don't take any instructions from him."

The Trinidadian channel CNC3 noted on Facebook that Warner's staff added the music.

He adds: "Against outsiders, we have to stand united."

The full video:

Oliver does do a Caribbean accent at one point in his video, but he then makes fun of himself for how awful it is.

"I'll just pause for a second to allow the people on Trinidad to laugh at the whitest person who has ever lived attempting to speak Trini," he says after doing the accent.

On his TV6 ad, Oliver pleads, "I am begging you: release everything. Because, here's my argument, why the hell not? It's not like you're not potentially in a lot of trouble. Seriously, I've been looking through the indictment and ... good luck with that."

Here's Oliver's video:


Oliver did the whole TV6 stunt because a week earlier Warner bought ad time on the channel to air his own propaganda segment defending himself. In another self-defense video, Warner cited an article from The Onion as proof that the US was at the center of a conspiracy to take the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.

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NOW WATCH: Here's how Cristiano Ronaldo spends his money

The fabulous life of Jack Dorsey, Twitter's billionaire interim CEO


Jack Dorsey Twitter Square Portrait Illustration

Twitter announced Thursday that current CEO Dick Costolo will be stepping down from his post, effective July 1. 

Jack Dorsey will be returning as interim CEO. This isn't Dorsey's first time in this post. He cofounded Twitter with Biz Stone and Evan Williams back in 2006, but left the company in 2008. He returned in 2010 to lead product, but ended up scaling back his responsibilities.

He will stay on as CEO of Square, the mobile payments company he founded in 2010, while managing new responsibilities at Twitter. 

Dorsey first became a billionaire in 2012, and he is currently worth $2.4 billion. 

Rebecca Borison wrote an earlier version of this story. 

Dorsey began programming while attending Bishop DuBourg High School. At age 15, Dorsey wrote dispatch software that is still used by some taxi companies.

Source: Bio.

When he wasn't checking out specialty electronics stores or running a fantasy football league for his friends, Dorsey frequently attended punk rock concerts.

Source: The Wall Street Journal


Like many of his fellow tech billionaires, Dorsey never graduated college, though he briefly attended Missouri University of Science and Technology and transferred to New York University before calling it quits.

Source: Bio.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Help science by looking at pictures of animals on the internet



When scientists set up 225 camera traps in Tanzania's Serengeti Park in May 2010 to capture the inner lives of its wildlife, they didn't expect to get 1.2 million sets of photos in the next three years. But the real trouble began when it was time to look through the photos — they simply couldn't do it.

"It was too much for me to sort through," said study researcher Alexandra Swanson, of the University of Minnesota, Saint Paul. "We were simply overwhelmed."

So they asked for help.

Swanson and her colleagues connected with Zooniverse, a citizen science platform that allows people on the internet to participate in real scientific research.

Together they created Snapshot Serengeti, a website that let internet users do the work for them.

By 2013, 28,000 registered volunteers had found that 322,653 photos contained "48 different species and species group, including rare and elusive animals such as aardwolf and zorilla," according to the study published June 9 in the journal Scientific Data.

The scientists compared the volunteer's classifications with those of experts and found that though most users had no background in animal science, they were correct 97% of the time, Swanson said.

"Some photos were really tricky even for those really recognizable animals," Swanson said. "The filtering interface produced really realizable data."

Here's how it works.

When a user signs into the website, an automated walk-through guides them through the process. The options below the photo include tick boxes for fire or for when no animals are present. It also allows the user to see where the photo was taken. In this example photo, a wildebeest crosses the frame.

SnapshotSerengeti_Walkthrough1Wildebeests were a common sight among the photos. 1.6 million wildebeests and zebras migrate every year across the 434 square mile area where the cameras were rigged. The user could select wildebeest in one of the 57 options to the right, but what if you aren't so sure?

SnapshotSerengeti_walkthrough2The interface's algorithm could narrow down to a specific animal based on the selected characteristics. For example, users can select what the animal looks like from a list of seven common animals.

SnapshotSerengeti_walkthrough4From there, five defining features — pattern, color, horns, tail, and build — narrows the options further. Wildebeests don't have a defining pattern or particularly bright colors but their horns are distinctively curled, unlike the waterbuck, which has sharp, straight horns.

SnapshotSerengeti_walkthrough6Wildebeests and zebras were often photographed together because they migrate en masse to avoid being killed by lions. The wildebeest takes up the majority of the frame but users are warned to be vigilant of other species lurking in the background.

Here, the zebra's distinctive black and white pattern can be seen through the trees.

Once the animals are identified, users are asked to note what each is doing. The animals also included descriptions and additional photos of the animal.

SnapshotSerengeti_walkthrough7All of the data collected is added to this searchable database of images.

The study has concluded but the camera traps are still taking photos and Swanson estimates there are 300,000 more waiting to be picked up from Tanzania. She said 700,000 photos have already been been classified on the website since the study ended, and users are still actively working through them.

It's easy to let time get away from you while classifying animals. Once you're done with one photo, another pops up. It's also a great way to learn about rare animals like the aardwolf, a shyer cousin of the hyena who prefers termites to meat. People who wouldn't normally get the chance to see animals from the Serengeti can get up close and personal with them, and participate in real scientific research at the same time.

"This kind of research wouldn't be possible without the help of volunteers," Swanson said. "Getting everyday people who are not scientists involved has enabled this really cool research."

SEE ALSO: Incredible new images reveal the secret lives of animals in the Serengeti

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NOW WATCH: Scientists are astonished by these Goby fish that can climb 300-foot waterfalls

Microsoft and Sony are going head-to-head on virtual reality — and Sony is winning (FB)


Oculus Rift Oculus Touch

Sony and Microsoft have long been at war. Not war over phones, televisions, or operating systems, but over video games.

Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox are over 10 years into a long-fought war for your attention and dollars. (Mostly your dollars).

The next battle in this war will be virtual.

On Thursday, lead Xbox exec Phil Spencer took the stage at an Oculus VR press event – the virtual reality company that Facebook purchased for $2 billion in 2014 – to announce how Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system and Xbox One game console will support the Oculus Rift. 

Through a somewhat convoluted means, you'll be able to run Xbox One games in the Oculus Rift. Here's the process:

  1. Turn on your Xbox One, select game
  2. Turn on your PC running Windows 10
  3. Stream Xbox One game through your local WiFi network to PC running Windows 10
  4. Play game in a "virtual cinema" setting on your Oculus Rift VR headset

Not too complex, but certainly not as simple as Sony's PlayStation 4 Project Morpheus virtual reality headset. With Morpheus, this is how it'll work:

  1. Turn on PlayStation 4, select game
  2. Put on Morpheus headset and play said game

That's a lot more simple, right? Arguably more important is the fact that Xbox One games on Oculus Rift aren't actually virtual reality games, but normal games being played within a "virtual cinema" application. 

This is what "virtual cinema" looks like on the game "Forza Motorsport," as shown during Thursday's press event:

Oculus Rift Xbox One

And here's what using Project Morpheus looks like:

PlayStation Morpheus

The difference is enormous. One experience is sitting in a virtual movie theater and playing a game in that movie theater. The other experience is, in many cases, being in the game yourself. 

Look at it this way: In Microsoft's experience, you're watching"Game of Thrones." And in Sony's experience, you're actually Jon Snow fighting back the White Walkers.

That's what "real" VR provides: immersion, a sense of the immensely marketable word "presence."

What Microsoft is partnering with Oculus VR to do is crucial when it comes to other areas in VR – supporting the Rift in Windows 10 and including the Xbox One gamepad in the box with Oculus Rift. But the whole notion of streaming Xbox One games is, in the end, no real competition to what Sony is offering, despite being a neat novelty.

SEE ALSO: Facebook and Microsoft just announced a monumental deal in virtual reality

AND: Facebook's virtual reality company just shocked everyone by announcing a partnership with Xbox

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NOW WATCH: Here's why Oculus Rift should be worried about Sony's Project Morpheus

Everything you need to know about PornHub's plans to pioneer the world's first sex tape in space


richard branson vomit comet zero G

It's finally begun: The largest pornography site on the Internet, PornHub, has announced plans to film the first sex tape in space.

On June 10, PornHub announced their latest project to the world by launching an Indiegogo campaign to raise the estimated $3.4 million it'll cost to make the tape. They raised over $10,000 within the first day.

Jokes aside, sex in space may turn out to be a pretty important scientific endeavor. It could play a key role, for example, in helping us get to other planets outside of our solar system that might take hundreds of years, and subsequently multiple generations, to reach.

Judging from PornHub's Vimeo preview of what they plan to do, however, there will be little to no scientific investigations involved in this first attempt to record sex in space. According to comments from Eva Lovia, the woman to star in the film if it gets enough funding, one of the most important goals of the project will be learning what it's like to orgasm in space.

Regardless, the entire team of PornHub staff — which would include Lovia and her potential male counterpart, Johnny Sins — will have to rely on scientists. PornHub explained to us how they plan to get this project off of the ground over email.

Here's what PornHub had to say about the project:

Business Insider: How did you come up with your goal of $3.4 million?

PornHub: Much of the allocation of funds took place over a number of months and tons of research. We had to scale out our intended funding goal based on various components and figures that we compiled over said research period, which is why you see the pie chart breakdown on the campaign page. It takes into account cost of the flight, insurance, crew (production/flight), donator perks, equipment retrofitting and outfitting, etc. Lots of moving parts here, but we think we were able to accurately break it all down in a way that makes sense to our users and donators.

BUSINESS INSIDER: If you achieve your funding goal, when (exact date if possible) do you plan to send Eva Lovia and Johnny Sins into space?

PH: We don't have an exact date, but upon meeting our funding goal, yes we fully expect to be sending them into space. We're tentatively scheduled to do so at this point in late 2016 based on our roughest estimates.

BI: If you achieve your funding goal, who (NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, the European Space Agency, or the Russian Federal Space Agency) will send your brave porn stars into space?

PH: We're actually currently in talks with a number of companies, but because of the nature of our endeavor, we aren't really able to disclose the details of those talks just yet for fear that that would risk unnecessary fallout from the aforementioned parties.

BI: Where do you plan to film this epic space episode? The International Space Station? A private spacecraft?

PH: The production of the video will begin inside the ship when the space craft takes flight. Filming will commence upon takeoff and as the ship climbs in altitude, so too will the lovemaking. However, we are currently contemplating having a short amount of pre-production hours allocated for preparation and some quick rehearsal prior to lift off to take place on the ground at the hub of whichever consumer flight company we end up going with.

Essentially, the way we'll be timing actual filming while the act is taking place is that as soon as the ship reaches its maximum altitude there will be weightlessness (zero gravity) for at least a few minutes. Our actors will be having sex and climaxing within that time frame – ideally, of course. Thankfully we have a very experienced production crew and directorial team to help make the money shot happen in a way that looks dynamic and revolutionary for viewers.

Check out the Vimeo preview below:

LEARN MORE: PornHub is trying to raise $3.4 million to shoot a sex tape in space

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NOW WATCH: An astronaut just blew our minds with the amazing story of his first time in space

Chiwetel Ejiofor will play Benedict Cumberbatch's frenemy in 'Doctor Strange'


Chiwetel Ejiofor

After an intriguing rumor involving Tilda Swinton, the cast of Marvel's 'Doctor Strange' is starting to take shape, and it's looking pretty interesting. 

According to Deadline, Oscar-nominated actor Chiwetel Ejiofor of "12 Years A Slave" fame has been cast opposite Benedict Cumberbatch as Baron Mordo, Dr. Strange's comic book nemesis. 

However, the Deadline report makes it clear Ejiofor's Mordo might not necessarily be the villain he is in the comics.

That's not unreasonable, given Mordo's connection to Dr. Strange's origin — like Strange, he is a pupil of Tibetan sorcerer The Ancient One. Unlike Strange, he plots to murder his mentor. It's this plot that actually sets Stephen Strange on the path to becoming Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, as The Ancient One takes Strange into his tutelage after the hero warns him of Mordo's plot. The Ancient One then exiles Baron Mordo as punishment, and a bitter rivalry forms between Strange and Mordo. 

Here's how he looks in a relatively recent comic, 2010's "X-Factor" #207 by Peter David, David Yardin, and Sebastian Fiumara.

Baron MordoMordo also appeared in an episode of the '90s Fox animated series "Spider-Man."

It was weird. 

It's really interesting that the Deadline report is so strongly hedging against calling Ejiofor's character a villain. Chances are that Marvel's looking for another Loki, a charismatic-yet-sympathetic antagonist that will be as much of a hit with audiences as the hero (and possibly make appearances in other films). An actor of Ejiofor's caliber is guaranteed to be anything but boring. 

At the very least, "Doctor Strange" is shaping up to be the most British Marvel film yet. 

"Doctor Strange" is scheduled to arrive in theaters November 4, 2016.

SEE ALSO: The Future of Marvel movies is riding on these two guys

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Scientists discover how a simple ancient practice makes dirty water drinkable


moringa seeds_0

Clean, drinkable water is unfortunately out of reach for hundreds of millions of people around the world, contributing to a vicious cycle of poverty and disease.

People who have to spend large amounts of time finding safe water to drink don't have time for other things like education or work, and contaminated water often harbors deadly diseases. But there is hope, in the form of nanotech filters, light-based water purifiers, and an ancient Egyptian seed.

In ancient Egypt, people used the crushed seeds of the Moringa oleifera tree to clear up cloudy water. Scientists later discovered that a protein in the seeds kills bacteria by gathering them into clusters which sink to the bottom of the container.

In a recent paper in Langmuir, researchers at Penn State announced that they'd solved a piece of the puzzle: how the protein kills the bacteria. It seems to fuse the membranes of the bacteria together. Membranes are designed to protect a cell, so when those defenses are breached, it's bad news for the bacteria.

The bottle on the left has been treated with crushed seeds, which cause the bacteria to clump together and die.

seeds cleaning waer[1]The researchers also worked out the best time to harvest the seeds. Until now, harvesting the seeds at the peak of their useful protein was guesswork. People knew that seeds harvested at different times had different abilities to clean water, but the differences hadn't been quantified. The new research found that the proteins were at their strongest cleaning ability when harvested as mature seeds during the rainy season.

Eventually, the scientists hope that the seeds can be grown and harvested in areas where they are most needed. Other parts of the plant are edible, making it useful for not only cleaning water, but providing a nutritious source of food for communities.

This article originally appeared on Popular Science

Popular Science Logo

This article was written by Mary Beth Griggs from Popular Science and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.

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Twitter wants its next CEO to be someone who 'really uses and loves the product in every single way' (TWTR)


dick costolo

Twitter just held a press conference to talk about CEO Dick Costolo stepping down and cofounder Jack Dorsey taking the reigns in the interim. 

One questioner on the call asked what Twitter would be looking for in a new CEO.

"We’re looking for someone who really uses and loves the product in every single way," Dorsey answered. "That is going to be a huge attribute that the search committee is looking for."

Neither Dorsey nor Costolo will be part of the search committee, but they said that Twitter will be considering both internal and external candidates. 

Dorsey continued:

"As an entrepreneur who had a huge hand in creating this service and has watched it over nearly ten years, it's just amazing its capability to show the world live and for everything it is, and to be able to have a live conversation on it. And I just think there's so much potential there, both for individuals and for brands that can be amplified. That's exactly what the team is doing, and that's exactly what we will continue doing."

SEE ALSO: Twitter CEO Dick Costolo will step down

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Early Twitter investor Fred Wilson defends Dick Costolo in a tweetstorm (TWTR)


fred wilson

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo just announced he's stepping down from his role at the company.

Jack Dorsey, one of the original founders of the company, is stepping in as Twitter's interim CEO beginning July 1st.

Legendary venture capitalist and early Twitter investor Fred Wilson went on a brief tweetstorm just after the news broke.

Costolo's previous stock sales, the company's recent lackluster financial performance, and stalled user growth had some Wall Street insiders questioning Costolo's leadership abilities recently.

But Wilson, whose VC firm Union Square Ventures first invested in Twitter's $5 million Series A round in 2007, spoke out with some comments about Twitter's history. In a brief tweetstorm Thursday, he defended Costolo's leadership and the roles Twitter's cofounders had in building the company.

"The story when a CEO transition happens is always 'she or he didn't do a good job,'" Wilson said. "I have found the opposite is mostly the case. Twitter is the perfect example of that."

We've embedded his tweets below.

SEE ALSO: Twitter CEO Dick Costolo will step down

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Obama's former chief tech officer: Hacking got me the job


Harper ReedWith his red beard and gauged earrings, Harper Reed doesn’t look like a prominent force in President Obama’s world. But back in 2012, Reed was hired as the chief technical officer for Obama’s re-election campaign.

While working there his major responsibility was controlling Project Narwhal, which got voter information to Obama campaign workers from across the country.

He had never done anything like that before, but knew he could do the job, he writes in a new post on Medium.

Why? “I attribute that confidence to my experience as a hacker and the subsequent willingness to take risks,” he writes. “If you never break through that wall of doubt, you will never see what might’ve been possible.”

Harper started hacking early on in his life, finding a gateway to forbidden knowledge in pre-Internet Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). He got in trouble for helping a classmate find a copy of the "Anarchist Cookbook"—which the classmate promptly used to blow up a $20,000 haystack.

Harper says he has never stopped thinking about himself as a hacker. And he says that’s where his whole career started: those bulletin boards, the concept of breaking in somewhere.

And Harper hasn’t just broken into the political world. He held the job of CTO of the online clothing company, Threadless form 2005t to 2009. Currently, he’s CEO at the e-commerce startup Modest.

But no matter where he goes, Reed credits hacking culture with guiding his path. “It seemed like the world was somehow brighter, the greens were greener,” he writes. He was never going back.

SEE ALSO: 8 security tricks that make you harder to hack

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Fast food chains are using apps to speed customers through checkout and drive sales higher


BII Quick Service Restaurants Total US Sales

Fast food chains — dubbed Quick Service Restaurants — have started embracing apps that let customers order ahead of time and pick up in-store. In part, it's about convenience but it's also about helping these retailers drive revenues higher.

Recently, Taco Bell launched a mobile order-ahead app that allows customers to purchase food from the app and pick it up without waiting in line. The app has seen significant early success — with higher average order sales boosting total revenues.

In new research from BI Intelligence, we look at how fast-food chains are leveraging mobile order-ahead to attract more customers, intensify loyalty, ease payment friction, and drive additional incremental revenues. 

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Here are some of the key takeaways: 

In full, the report: 

To access the full report from BI Intelligence, sign up for a 14-day trial here. Members also gain access to new in-depth reportshundreds of charts and datasets, as well as daily newsletters on the digital industry.

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Learning about these 3 psychological biases could forever change how you go grocery shopping


ninja grocery storeDon't trust your grocer.

While they may seem reliable, the research suggests that grocery stores are only matched by casinos in their ability to make you do things against your own interest.

The unsettling truth about buying groceries is that from the second you walk through the breezy automatic doors, your brain comes face to face with a continuous, overwhelming desire to succumb to its most basic psychological responses.

Nearly all rational decision making goes out the window.

Here's why:

We buy food according to the food we just ate or thought about 

A study conducted earlier this year at Cornell's Food and Brand Lab found shoppers were more likely to buy unhealthy foods if they first ate an unhealthy snack. By contrast, people who had eaten a healthy snack tended to buy more nutritious food. 

supermarketThe takeaway: If you're looking to avoid mindlessly buying bags of cookies, eat an apple before you leave the house.

Supermarket floor plans are horrible for keeping spending to a minimum

It's in the grocery store's interest to keep people sauntering through the aisles.

So it's no surprise all the important stuff — meat, dairy, produce — gets conveniently housed in the back of the store. Part of that is by design, since all three need to be refrigerated somehow. But it also works in their favor because it demands you walk past all the other food — junk, mostly — to get there.

The takeaway: All the "real" food is on the perimeter. Avoid middle aisles like the plague.

The longer you shop, the dumber you get

Psychologists at Bangor University are in the middle of testing how quickly the rational parts of people's brains shut down when shopping. Their findings: 23 minutes. 

People who had £80 ($129) to spend on a week’s worth of groceries ended up falling for rip-off sales deals after just 23 minutes in the virtual store. After 40 minutes, nearly all decisions were made for emotional reasons. The researchers chalked it up to information overload — there were simply too many options to choose from, and eventually people's brains gave up.

The takeaway: Hustle. 

SEE ALSO: 12 common mistakes shoppers make at the grocery store

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Bale sinks Belgium to fire Welsh dreams


Wales midfielder Gareth Bale celebrates scoring the opening goal during the Euro 2016 qualifying group B football match in Cardiff on June 12, 2015

Cardiff (United Kingdom) (AFP) - Gareth Bale sent Wales striding towards a first major tournament appearance since 1958 as they beat heavyweights Belgium 1-0 in a 2016 European Championship qualifier in Cardiff on Friday.

On a raucous, muggy night in the Welsh capital, Bale capitalised on an error by Radja Nainggolan in the 25th minute to mark his 50th cap with a goal that took Chris Coleman's men five points clear of Belgium in Group B.

They are also, crucially, five points above third-place Israel with four games to play and with only the top two teams certain to qualify, their 57-year wait since the 1958 World Cup is tantalisingly close to ending.

By beating Belgium, currently second in the FIFA rankings, Wales are also thought to have played their way into the top pool of seeds for next month's qualifying draw for the 2018 World Cup, giving their fans yet more reason to feel dizzy as they poured out into the Cardiff night.

They will resume their qualifying campaign with a double-header away to Cyprus and at home to Israel in September, while Belgium, beaten for the first time since losing to Argentina in last year's World Cup quarter-finals, host Bosnia-Hercegovina and visit Cyprus.

Not since the Euro 2004 qualifiers have Wales threatened to reach a major tournament and while a full house of 33,280 at the Cardiff City Stadium delivered a crackling atmosphere, a slick pitch doused by light drizzle made for a frantic start to the game.

As Belgium coach Marc Wilmots had predicted, Wales sat deep, with Jazz Richards and James Chester coming into a five-man defence in place of injured pair James Collins and Ben Davies.

Injury deprived Belgium of Marouane Fellaini, scorer of two goals in last weekend's 4-3 friendly win against France, but his unavailability allowed Kevin De Bruyne to line up alongside Eden Hazard and Dries Mertens in an attacking midfield band that seemed in perpetual motion.


- Nainggolan mistake -


The early chances were all Belgium's, with a cross from Mertens narrowly eluding Christian Benteke, Wayne Hennessey getting down sharply to parry a curling effort from Nainggolan and Hazard lashing over.

Short of an off-target header from Hal Robson-Kanu, Wales had shown nothing as an attacking force, but in the 25th minute Nainggolan's error allowed them to strike.

Aaron Ramsey's free-kick was only partially cleared and in attempting to head the ball back to goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois, Nainggolan sent it straight to Bale, who had time to chest down and turn before tucking the ball between Courtois's legs for his 11th Wales goal in 15 games.

Joe Allen was booked for upending Hazard, ruling him out of the trip to Cyprus, but Jan Vertonghen's ensuing free-kick was deflected wide and minutes later Wales almost doubled their lead.

After playing a one-two with Robson-Kanu, Ramsey saw his low shot blocked by Courtois and although Toby Alderweireld's panicked clearance went straight to Robson-Kanu, he could only prod wide of the empty goal.

Belgium made their intentions clear by sending on Romelu Lukaku for Mertens at half-time and shifting to a 4-4-2 system, and the Welsh goal was quickly besieged.

Within a minute of the restart, Benteke had volleyed over from a corner, while Chris Gunter kneed the ball over his own bar, De Bruyne and Alderweireld shot wide and Ashley Williams blocked from Hazard.

Yannick Ferreira-Carrasco also entered the fray for Belgium, but as the minutes ticked by and the rain intensified, so their composure deserted them and the Welsh defence, roared on by anxious home fans, held firm.

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People have hijacked an adoption hashtag after a NAACP leader was 'outed' as white


Rachel Dolezal

A prominent civil rights leader who most people believed to be black is actually white, according to her parents — and Twitter's freaking out about it.

On Thursday, the parents of Rachel Dolezal — the head of a local NAACP chapter in Spokane, Washginton — told multiple news outlets that despite "disguis[ing] herself" as black, their daughter's heritage was Czech, Swedish, and German with "faint traces" of Native American heritage.

Her mother also told The Spokesman-Review that they didn’t know why their daughter would "disguise herself” as black since 2006 or 2007 with a perm and noticeably tanner skin. Now, she's been elected head of a local chapter of the NAACP.

Some people on Twitter are now saying Dolezal is "transracial"— both seriously as well as jokingly — equating the term with being transgendered. The false logic goes that the same way a transgendered person is born with the wrong anatomy, a person can be born with the wrong race.

But the term "transracial" has never been used this way. Historically, transracial is used in regards to interracial adoption— also known as transracial adoption — and has nothing to do with people from one race "identifying" as another race.

But the term quickly went viral on Twitter anyway, first spotted by MIC’s Darnell L. Moore:


Soon, people began fighting back against the concept of switching races — without either realizing or citing that "transracial" has a totally different definition that has nothing to do with changing one's race.

There were also a few jokes.


This is also not the first instance of someone on Twitter using the term transracial in this way.

Back in April, a Twitter user used screen shots of what was quite possibly a joke statement by someone claiming to be a white woman wanting to be “trans-black." She used stereotypes to bolster her claim. 


Not all Twitter users misinterpret the term "transracial."

If you keep going back in Twitter’s history, you’ll see that before the Dolezal news broke, the most common use for the #transracial hashtag was in tandem with the hashtag #adoption, referring to interracial adoption where a child from a different race is adopted by parents from a different race, for example white parents adopting a black child.



So unless they’re referring to interracial adoption, you can show this tweet to anyone in favor of the  #transracial hashtag on Twitter:

SEE ALSO: What the NAACP leader accused of pretending to be black said when asked about her ethnicity

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Sheriff: The woman who allegedly helped 2 murderers escape a max security prison will probably be arrested today


Joyce Mitchell

A 51-year-old prison employee who reportedly confessed to smuggling power tools into the maximum-security facility to help two convicts escape will be arrested "in the next couple of hours,"according to a local sheriff speaking with NBC affiliate WPTZ.

Joyce Mitchell, who is suspected of having a relationship with an inmate, was allegedly supposed to be the duo's getaway driver after they broke out of Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York.

She backed out at the last minute and checked herself into a hospital for "nerves."

The Times Union in Albany reported that Mitchell confessed her role in the scheme to the state police. She reportedly told authorities that she smuggled power tools into the prison and gave the inmates access to a cellphone.

In the end, Joyce Mitchell, an industrial-training supervisor in the tailor shop of Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, reportedly got cold feet and checked herself into a hospital for nerves on Saturday, the day the inmates were discovered missing.

Matt, 48, and David Sweat, 34, both convicted of murder, remained on the loose on Thursday, after escaping from the maximum-security prison through underground pipes and popping out through a manhole.

New York prison break

More than 450 state, federal, and local law-enforcement officers are now in their sixth day of a manhunt for the prison escapees, which has spread to Vermont and includes possible sightings as far away as Philadelphia.

The inmates then apparently used the power tools to cut holes through a steel wall in their cells and pipes in the bowels of the prison to escape.

CNN cited unnamed sources saying a prison employee gave Matt and Sweat hacksaw blades, drill bits and eyeglasses with lights affixed to them.

Earlier this week, the FBI told the Times Union that authorities thought the escapees were within a 5- to 10-mile radius of the prison. They most likely had to escape on foot after the getaway plan with Mitchell fell through.

New York prison break

Mitchell worked as an industrial-training supervisor in the tailor shop of the prison. He reportedly spent months wooing her to get her to participate in his escape plot. Senior government officials told NBC News that Mitchell "thought it was love" with Matt.

Matt was most likely able to interact with Mitchell because he was being held on the "honor block" of the prison for good behavior and was allowed to spend most of his time outside his cell.

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Doctors are buzzing about these technologies that could let women have kids at any age


Mom with Baby

Women in the US are having children later in life than ever before.

The average age of a mother giving birth to her first child was 26 in 2013 — a record high, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, that includes plenty of women over 35 and even some over 40.

Dr. Norbert Gleicher, founder, medical director, and chief scientist of the Center for Human Reproduction fertility clinic in New York City, thinks this is a trend that is only going to continue. He predicts that advances in the field of reproductive technology will enable older and older women to give birth to their own biological children. 

"We will reach a threshold where age no longer matters and women will be able to conceive probably pretty much independent of their age," Gleicher told Business Insider. 

It will take serious research to reach this still-hypothetical future where age is truly irrelevant to reproduction, but there are several areas that scientists are already working on to get us there.

Generating mature eggs in a lab

A woman's age-related decline in fertility has been linked to a gradual decrease in the number and quality of cells that can mature into eggs in the ovaries (known as ovarian reserve), notes a report from the ASRM and American College of Obsetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Those cells that can become eggs are surrounded with other cells that take care of them and help them grow. The whole complex is called a follicle, and women are born with about a million of them. 

Only a tiny fraction of follicles actually mature into eggs that could be fertilized, however. The majority are lost through a process called atresia

But it could be possible, Gleicher suggested, to take a little bit of the ovary tissue with immature follicles and coax them to mature into eggs in the lab. Scientists have already done this in mice, and the eggs have yielded live babies after in vitro fertilization and implantation in mothers. Research is ongoing to get this to work in humans. 

If scientists can manage this, doctors could save thousands of a woman's eggs for future use, many more than egg freezing can — and without the hormone treatment.

Growing sperm and egg cells from regular cells

Another way to get more eggs than a woman's body makes available naturally is to make them from normal body cells, called somatic cells. This can be done by first converting somatic cells into stem cells that can become many different types of cells in the body (known as induced pluripotent stem cells), then into egg cells.

Animal sperm and egg cells made this way have resulted in viable offspring, and scientists have succeeded in making human sperm from induced pluripotent stem cells. There are still significant questions about the safety and efficacy of this process, but Gleicher thinks making human eggs and sperm from somatic cells is an achievable goal in the next 10 years. 

Screening embryos first

A key problem for older women trying to conceive is that their older eggs and the fertilized embryos that result are more likely to have genetic abnormalities that will prevent them from growing into healthy babies. 

Right now that means older women have slimmer chances of having a baby through in vitro fertilization (IVF) than young women do, and the babies older mothers do have are more likely to have certain genetic problems.

During the process of IVF, multiple embryos are created in the lab from a couple's eggs and sperm, sometimes more than will be transferred to the woman's uterus in one attempt. To pick the embryos to transfer that have the best chance of leading to a healthy baby, doctors can take one cell from an embryo and analyze its DNA in a procedure known as preimplantation genetic screening

It's common for developing human embryos to have an abnormal number of chromosomes, so the goal of preimplantation genetic screening is to choose only embryos with the normal number of chromosomes to transfer to the woman.

Ideally this process makes IVF more efficient by only using the best embryos — but some say there's not enough data to support doing the procedure generally. 

Fertility specialist Dr. Kutluk Oktay thinks research in the next 4-5 years will make preimplantation screening more cost-effective and better able to test for things beyond just chromosome number. 

With improvements to the technology, "we’ll be able to test embryos and increase success rates tremendously, and reduce the number of attempts," he told Business Insider. 

Editing human embryos

It's a little further out there, but with recent news that scientists in China have edited the genes of human embryos— albeit with many ethical questions and technical glitches— Gleicher said it could eventually be possible to fix genetic abnormalities in the embryos of older women.

Those embryos would then be more likely to survive, and a major obstacle for older women trying to get pregnant would be treatable.

Supplementing older eggs

Besides genetic abnormalities, older eggs can have other problems. As cells age, their mitochondria — the part of a cell that generates the energy it needs to function — can sustain serious damage, Oktay said. 

Scientists are working on ways to enhance the quality of eggs for women who have tried IVF but have not gotten pregnant because of problems with their eggs, an area of research Oktay calls "exciting."

One way to enhance eggs, developed by the company OvaScience, involves supplementing an egg with mitochondria taken from stem cells found in the lining of a woman's uterus. The procedure, called AUGMENT, is highly experimental and not yet FDA-approved. But the first babies conceived using the procedure abroad have already been born

A lot of questions remain to be answered about how effective AUGMENT is for women trying yet another round of IVF, let alone the effects adding mitochondria to an egg cell may have on the children born after the procedure. Only time and much more research in larger groups of women will determine whether the new technology will be an effective option for older women who have had trouble conceiving.

'Society better get ready'

Gleicher stresses that medicine is "evolutionary," meaning progress happens slowly.

Predicting the timeline for the future of medical advances is always tricky, but he predicted some technical issues for older women trying to conceive will be resolved in the next 10 years. It could take another 10 years after that for the technological advances to be adapted into treatments women can actually benefit from, he said.

If we get to the point Gleicher anticipates when age isn't the limitation on women's fertility it's always been, he and colleagues wrote in a recent paper, "medicine and society better get ready for this revolution."

SEE ALSO: More women than ever are having babies after 50

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Should you be drinking rosé this summer?

Here's how the 'Jurassic World' dinosaurs looked in real life


Jurassic World

It is well-known at this point that "Jurassic World," the latest installment of the "Jurassic Park" franchise, diverges from the science when it comes to its portrayal of dinosaurs.

In real life, many of the dinosaurs vary in size and are often covered in feathers, but a few of them actually don't look that different.

Let's start with Velociraptor, one of the most feared creatures in the "Jurassic Park" universe:

Velociraptor Jurassic WorldIn reality, the Velociraptor could be more easily compared to either a turkey or a coyote:

Velociraptor Accurate

The look of Velociraptors in the film was actually based more off of Deinonychus ...


... as well as a Utahraptor which was discovered as the original "Jurassic Park" was being made:

UtahraptorOne of the most terrifying new dinosaurs introduced in "Jurassic World" is the Mosasaurus, which makes even a great white shark look tiny.

jurassic worldThe real Mosasaurus isn't actually a dinosaur and it didn't have spikes along its back.


The Mosasaurus is really "marine lizard that's more closely related to snakes and lizards," according to Dr. John Hutchinson. 

However, that is nowhere near the biggest problem with the film's depiction.

According to Mark Witton, an illustrator who researches and specializes in dinosaurs, that misconception is based off depictions of this animal from the 1890s. The mistake was cleared up in the early 1900s. 

"The ["Jurassic World"] press has been showing their mosasaur has a series of scutes along it's back, similar to depictions of these animals by artists working in the 1890s. These Victorian artists were misled by bones which had dislocated from the throat to lie along the top of fossil skeletons, but this mistake was recognised by the early 1900s." Witton told Business Insider. "Indeed, we actually know quite a lot about mosasaur skin, and that they went to some length to be very streamlined and smooth."

After making a brief cameo in "Jurassic Park," the Gallimimus returned for "Jurassic World":

Gallimimus GIFThe real Gallimimus was actually fairly similar, but with a lot more feathers.

Gallimimus Feathers

Here is a Pteranodonthe unlucky victim of the much larger Mosasaurus:

jurassic world 12And here's a sketch of what the winged animal (who isn't actually a dinosaur) probably looked like:


The Pteranodon was actually a Pterosaur, which is "a winged reptile which is very, very, very closely related to dinosaurs but not a dinosaur," according to Hutchinson.

Witton, who has consulted on several films about Pterosaurs in general, called the "Jurassic World" interpretation of the Pteranodon "among the worst reconstructions [he's] ever seen."

"No pterosaur had feet like that, and they certainly couldn't pick things up with them as shown in the trailers." Witton told Business Insider.

And finally, there's the almighty T. rex:

Jurassic Park T RexThe real T. rex was still huge, but it was actually covered in feathers. 

T rex feathers

Some have jokingly compared the T. rex to a "giant chicken." But still, would you want to mess with it?

"Jurassic World" opens in theaters Friday.

SEE ALSO: ‘Jurassic World’ completely ignores these important discoveries scientists have made about dinosaurs

AND: The velociraptors in the 'Jurassic Park' movies are nothing like their real-life counterparts

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6 things to know about 'Orange Is the New Black's' striking newbie Ruby Rose


orange is the new black ruby rose netflix

Note: Mild spoilers ahead.

If you've binged at least halfway through Netflix's newly released third season of "Orange Is the New Black," then you've probably noticed an attractive new inmate with eyes for Piper (Taylor Schilling).

In her first big role, 29-year-old Australia native Ruby Rose plays mysterious new inmate, Stella Carlin.

“Stella is sort of an androgynous, cool, charismatic, and charming girl who I think also is pretty gender-fluid,” Rose told EW.

orange is the new black ruby rose netflix 2She also may play a role in creating friction between Piper and her on-and-off girlfriend, Alex (Laura Prepon)

“She definitely causes some waves,” added the model-turned-actress.

A relative newcomer to acting, especially on this side of the world, Business Insider rounded up some information about the up and comer. 

Here's six things to know about Ruby Rose:

1.) Rush came out as lesbian at the age of 12 and her first crush was Mariah Carey.

“I was pretty certain we were going to end up together,” she told Vanity Fair.

2.) She doesn't like to be labeled as a model.

ruby rose maybelline ny
Rose began her modeling career when she came in second in a 2002 model search by Australian teen magazine, "Girlfriend." She told Rolling Stone, "I don't think of myself as a model."

3.) She used to be a VJ on MTV Australia.

Rose decided to leave her acting studies behind and work for MTV Australia. But, she “always had acting in the back of my mind,” she said to EW.

But, she still preferred being an MTV VJ to modeling. "Being a model there is always something they want to change. Whether they want someone a little bit skinnier, a little bit taller, a little bit prettier, but MTV want you to be yourself ... not censoring anything and not conforming to anything," she told Australia's Herald Sun.

4.) She has more than 60 tattoos on her body.

ruby rose tattoos
Of her many tattoos, she has "Just Love" written across her knuckles, cartoon characters like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Astro Boy, as well as Tank Girl, reported Vanity Fair.

5.) She's in a pretty serious relationship.

Rose is engaged to Phoebe Dahl, a clothing designer and the granddaughter of the children’s-book author Roald Dahl, according to Vanity Fair. Rose has Phoebe's name tattooed on her back inside a red heart.

6.) She wrote, produced and starred in a short film titled "Break Free." The five minute short film on gender identity went viral on social media and helped get Rose noticed by casting agents. Watch it here. (Note: Some parts are NSFW.)
ruby rose break free

SEE ALSO: Here's why Netflix released 'Orange Is the New Black' early

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Apple is totally obsessed with this hipster bakery in San Francisco


tartine bakery morning bun apple

Apple has a lot of love for San Francisco's hipsters. Earlier this week, BuzzFeed pointed out that the tech giant's Apple Watch website catered to their interests, with references to bicycling and street art.

Most noticably, there are half a dozen references to Tartine, a small bougie bakery and café in San Francisco's Mission District. Customers queue up around the block and shell out upwards of $10 for some decadent pastries.

The James Beard-winning bakery is famous for its breads, made from locally milled organic flours, sea salt, water, and wild yeast, and baked on a stone hearth in-house. In April, Tartine merged with Silicon Valley's favorite coffee house, Blue Bottle, and announced plans to expand to Los Angeles, New York, and Tokyo within the year.

The Apple Watch website showers Tartine with affection in its screenshots of the product. Below is a reminder for lunch with Ken at Tartine.

apple watch tartine bakery

Can't get enough of that Tartine.

tartine bakery apple watch

Here's a more subtle nod to the bakery's location.

apple watch tartine bakery

And a more obvious reference, with Tartine pinned on the map.

apple watch tartine bakery

Here's what it's like at Apple's beloved bakery. In the a.m., customers line up to get their hands on Tartine's signature breakfast item: the morning bun.

tartine bakery line

Sunlight streams into the high-ceilinged café.

tartine bakery

Hip graphic prints adorn the walls.

mission district, san francisco, hipster, tartine bakery

The mouthwatering aroma of baked goods emerging from the oven fills the space. 

mission district, san francisco, hipster, tartine bakery

How's a techie to decide what to order? Here's the popular morning bun, topped with cinnamon sugar and candied orange. It costs $4.20. Coincidence?

tartine bakery morning bun

The Croque Monsieur layers melted bechamel, gruyere, and ham on a crisp, thick-cut slice of levain bread. It costs a cool $10.75.

mission district, san francisco, hipster, tartine bakery

The menu offers both savory and sweet treats, such as the brioche bread pudding topped with seasonal fruits.

mission district, san francisco, hipster, tartine bakery

With Blue Bottle raising $70 million in venture capital this week, Tartine is on a fast-track to becoming Silicon Valley's next biggest venture. Stop by 600 Guerrero Street in San Francisco's Mission District and judge for yourself.

SEE ALSO: Why people are crazy about Blue Bottle, the coffee chain that just raised another $70 million from tech investors

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