Video Of The Week: Parrot AR Drone
I bought one of these on amazon at the suggestion of Laurent Eschenauer in yesterday's comment thread. I can feel my 14 year old self re-emerging. I can't wait to play with it.If you want to skip the...
View ArticleVerizon Might Have To Pay North Of $120 Billion For The Rest Of Verizon Wireless
LONDON (Reuters) - Six major Vodafone investors said $100 billion was not enough for the British company's stake in its U.S. joint venture with Verizon Communications, and urged the latter to come up...
View ArticleMark Zuckerberg Joins The $1 Salary Club
Facebook confirmed in a filing that Mark Zuckerberg, the social network’s founder and CEO, is taking a $1 salary this year and foregoing any bonuses, as well.But he’s not exactly taking a vow of...
View ArticleHow to Raise Money When You’re Not in a Major VC Market
I travel the country a lot. And I am often approached by entrepreneurs in cities which don’t have a vibrant VC community. They often ask whether they have to move to SF, NY or LA to get financed.I have...
View ArticleIn The Apple-Samsung Fight, The ‘Arms Dealers’ Win
Growing competition in the smartphone market has taken the shine off Apple's stock. But the stocks of the "arms dealers"—those companies providing the communications chips to the handset industry—have...
View ArticleFear Of Failure Is Keeping Australia's Startup Scene From Exploding
ABOUT four years ago Michael Fox and two former law-school friends sniffed around for an unfilled market niche. Shoes of Prey was the result.Old-fashioned shoemakers in shops are disappearing in...
View ArticleFrom DonorsChoose To Kickstarter
In the wake of my Return and Ridicule post, I was asked how one goes about finding these services that are ignored and/or ridiculed. And the answer I gave was "if you use them you might realize how...
View ArticleWhy Consumer-Facing E-Commerce Is BROKEN
I finally found panties on True&Co., an ecommerce lingerie company.It took them nearly one year to start selling panties. They allegedly sold them when I mentioned them in an article titled VCs...
View ArticleIt's Official: Google Has Acquired News Stream Startup Wavii
Google has bought news summarisation service Wavii for an estimated $30m (£18m).Wavii, which was launched last year, has shut down its service so the technology can be incorporated into Google...
View ArticleChina's Going To Build Massive 4G Mobile Networks—Snubbing European Companies...
STOCKHOLM/PARIS (Reuters) - Chinese telecom operators will start awarding contracts for super-fast mobile networks this year, kicking off the third wave of a global investment cycle that is reshaping...
View ArticleBecause It's Standard
Case studies are true stories that teach lessons. And one of the great lessons I got in my career was care of a lawyer named Morty. This is a reblog of a post I wrote in Feb 2007. I thought about it...
View Article3D Printing Is Creating A New Breed Of Chinese Manufacturing Entrepreneurs
ALTHOUGH it is the weekend, a small factory in the Haidian district of Beijing is hard at work. Eight machines, the biggest the size of a delivery van, are busy making things.Yet the factory, owned by...
View ArticleProust on Newspapers
What I fault newspapers for is that day after day they draw our attention to insignificant things whereas only three or four times in our lives do we read a book in which there is something really...
View ArticleWe Didn't Know What We Had
I sat next to Jim Cramer last night at a dinner put on by some mutual friends. I hadn't seen Jim in a while so it was a great opportunity to take a trip down memory lane. In 1996 or early 1997, my...
View ArticleAmerica’s Tech Talent Shortage Is A Myth
So it turns out the United States is not, in fact, the educational wasteland tech industry lobbyists would have you think.Companies like Microsoft often claim that America is suffering from an...
View ArticleAhead Of Its Rumored IPO, Alibaba Buys A $586 Million Stake In Sina Weibo
Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce company, just announced that it is paying $586 million for an 18% stake in Sina Weibo, the online ad company’s Twitter-like social media platform. Alibaba will have...
View ArticleFrom DonorsChoose To Kickstarter
In the wake of my Return and Ridicule post, I was asked how one goes about finding these services that are ignored and/or ridiculed. And the answer I gave was "if you use them you might realize how...
View ArticleBecause It's Standard
Case studies are true stories that teach lessons. And one of the great lessons I got in my career was care of a lawyer named Morty. This is a reblog of a post I wrote in Feb 2007. I thought about it...
View ArticleWe Didn't Know What We Had
I sat next to Jim Cramer last night at a dinner put on by some mutual friends. I hadn't seen Jim in a while so it was a great opportunity to take a trip down memory lane. In 1996 or early 1997, my...
View Article'Haul' Videos Are
Teens and young adults that share their clothes purchases via YouTube videos are turning into a marketing force in the clothing industry.It is a relatively new type of earned media that is taking the...
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