One of the Biggest Mistakes Enterprise Startups Make
This article initially appeared on TechCrunch.The era of VCs investing in successful consumer Internet startups such as eBay led to a belief system that seemed to permeate many enterprise software...
View ArticleHobbyists
One of my favorite posts in the past month came from Chris Dixon. It is short and sweet, just the way I like a blog post. In the post Chris lays out three constituencies to the startup economy;...
View ArticleSmartphones With Ultra-Hard Sapphire Screens To Be Released This Year
All major mobile phone makers are considering replacing the iconic Corning Gorilla Glass in smartphone screens with sapphire, the hardest natural material aside from diamond, IT analyst Eric Virey told...
View ArticleSorry Google; You Can Keep It To yourself
Google today launched Keep, an app that allows you to save things, clip stuff from the web, hoard notes and what not and put them all onto your Google Drive. Yup, you guessed it — it is an imitation to...
View ArticleDIY Data Science
In a comment on yesterday's hobbyist post, Pete Griffiths offered "Do It Yourself Data Science" and I really liked that suggestion for a bunch of reasons.I think data science and machine learning (I...
View ArticleGoogle Spring Cleaning Shows How Far You Should Trust The Cloud
Google has gotten to be pretty good at introducing cross-platform services that bring productivity and efficiency into our daily lives. But increasingly one has to wonder: why the hell should we care...
View ArticleDropbox And The Windowed Ecosystem
A few days ago Mailbox, the unique and incredibly successful iOS email app, announced it had been acquired by Dropbox. The response from the tech community was an ostensibly unanimous declaration of...
View ArticleHow to Make Sure Professional Services Don’t Take Over Your Software Company
This article originally appeared on TechCrunch.I recently wrote a blog post in which I pointed out that many investors & advisors discourage enterprise startups from having a professional services...
View ArticleTech Giants Dive Into Music Streaming
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Technology giants Apple, Google and Amazon are furiously maneuvering for position in the online music business and looking at ways to make streaming profitable, despite the...
View ArticleSurprise! Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Uses A Blackberry (GOOG, BBRY)
Who's the person you'd least expect to discover is a BlackBerry user? How about the executive chairman of the company whose software has been crucial in eroding the Canadian company's position in the...
View ArticleGoogle Is Working On A Smart Watch, Just Like Apple And Samsung
Google’s Android unit is reportedly working on a wearable smartphone that would be a rival to Apple’s much talked about – yet still unseen – iWatch.Wearable technology has become an increasingly hot...
View ArticleFun Friday: March Madness
I know we are already a day in and if you had Montana, Belmont, or UNLV in your brackets (like my son Josh did), then you are already behind the eight ball. But March Madness is so much fun that we are...
View Article7 Things That Could Have Killed Twitter, But Didn’t
Twitter is observing its seventh birthday today — that is, it’s been 7 years since Jack Dorsey’s stirring “just setting up my twttr” tweet. In Twitter’s celebratory blog post, it says it now has “well...
View Article'Donglegate' Is Classic Overreaction—And Everyone Pays
Watching "Donglegate" unfold over the past few days has been like watching a comedy of errors slowly metastasize into a tragedy of thoughtlessness. News coverage of what unfolded at (and after) this...
View ArticleVideo Of The Week: Rohan's Interview With Albert Wenger
One of the secrets of the venture capital business is the magic behind a successful partnership. It is one of those things where the total is way more than the sum of the parts. At USV, I've been lucky...
View ArticleDell Buyout Suddenly Turns Into 3-Way Battle, As Blackstone And Carl Icahn...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dell Inc appeared to have received competing offers following a $24.4 billion agreement last month to be taken private by its founder and private equity firm Silver Lake, setting...
View ArticleData, Transparency, and Regulation
Last month, I pointed to a talk that Nick Grossman gave at Princeton where he laid out the principals of Regulation 2.0. This slide is from that talk.Regulation 2.0 is a framework that we have been...
View ArticleApple Buys Indoor Mapping Company WifiSLAM
Apple has bought WifiSLAM, a company providing indoor mobile location services, which lets people figure out their location inside a building using the strength of its Wi-Fi signals.Indoor mobile...
View ArticleWhat If The Google Reader Readers Just Don’t Come Back?
If judged by my Twitter stream last week, the shutdown of Google Reader is the biggest story ever in the history of news. Of course, the reality is that Google is likely shutting down the product for a...
View ArticleThe $109 Billion Indian IT Industry Is Going Through A Massive Shift
BANGALORE/MUMBAI, March 25 (Reuters) - India's IT outsourcers are promoting "mini CEOs" capable of running businesses on their own, while trimming down on the hordes of entry-level computer coders they...
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