Facebook Is Making You Sad
Facebook isn’t over the hill, exactly.Last October, it announced that 1 billion people used it every month, in a world of 7 billion people. Leaping from one milestone to the next.But in its key...
View ArticleHow To Stay Happily Married To An Extremely Busy Startup Executive
I recently wrote a post about how to manage relationships when you’re at a startup or are busy executive. It was based on an excellent book I had just read by Brad Feld& Amy Batchelor (his wife).I...
View ArticleDear VCs: I'm Breaking Up With (Some Of) You
“The game taught me the game. And it didn’t spare the rod while teaching.” - Jesse LivermoreThere’s a new bully in town. And I guess that’s me, at least according to a VC who emailed me last week to...
View ArticleWho You Want On Your Board
One of the guys who taught me the venture capital business used to say "success is in inverse proportion to the number of VCs you have on your board." He was right. For a few reasons. First of all,...
View ArticleNo Phablet For You, Says Apple CEO Tim Cook
Phablets, the giant phones that are already shaping up to be the breakout mobile product of 2013, are conspicuously absent from Apple’s lineup of products. And on today’s earnings call, when an analyst...
View ArticleiPads Are Destroying Apple's Mac Business, And Tim Cook Loves It
Perhaps the biggest surprise in today’s earnings report from Apple was that Mac sales are down 21% year-over-year, a much steeper decline than overall PC shipments, which were down about 6% worlwide....
View ArticleSolving Problems The Square Way
Not long ago, Square CEO Jack Dorsey challenged his team to create a solution for accepting payments at Starbucks, which the mobile-payments company had partnered with in August. When an engineer...
View ArticleImagining A 5-inch iPhone
Never mind rumors of an awkwardly named 4.8-inch "iPhone Math", the concept of a much larger iPhone has been floating about ever since the realities of early LTE chipsets -- and the batteries that came...
View ArticleWith Apple, What A Difference A Week Makes
You know the drill, Apple posts a record $54.5 billion in revenue……and the stock tanks 10 percent in after-hours trading.I mean. Fifty four and a half billion dollars. I went ahead and did the math:...
View ArticleShifting from a product company to a sales/marketing company
At the risk of overgeneralizing (although to be fair as a VC that’s pretty much my job description) and understanding that there’s plenty of grey area here, I’ve really been noticing recently just how...
View ArticleDance, animation, Ron Popeil
All that ukulele playing finally paid off when I went to the Ukulele Rebellion last weekend after my clay class at Sharon Arts Center. So good.I have some thinky blog posts coming, just haven’t had the...
View ArticleFeature Friday: The Checkout Form
One of the most aggravating things about commerce online and on mobile is the inconsistent checkout experience site to site and app to app. It's one of the many things that keeps me shopping at Amazon...
View ArticleYes, The iPad Mini Is Destroying Sales Of The Larger iPad
Crunching some new data released by Apple yesterday reveals: For the first time since its 2010 launch, the iPad’s average sale price has dipped below $500. It’s now $467.That helps answer a question...
View ArticleThe Glory Days Of Smartphone Growth Are Over, Warns Samsung
Samsung has reported record quarterly profits up 76 per cent on the back of Galaxy smartphone sales, but warned there were signs that future growth could be held back by intensifying competition.The...
View ArticleApple Discovers Underage Workers At iPhone Factories
Apple Inc stepped up audits of working conditions at major suppliers last year, discovering multiple cases of underage workers, discrimination and wage problems.The iPhone and iPad maker, which relies...
View ArticleFacebook Management Decides To Nuke Twitter's Big New Product
Less than a day after Twitter launched Vine, Facebook has cut off the video-sharing application’s “find people” button, which allowed members to connect to their Facebook friends.Twitter users trying...
View ArticleAPPLE Q1 REVIEW: What Did We Really Learn? (AAPL)
This is a guest post from Sammy The Walrus IV, a frequent commenter at Business Insider, and a sharp tweeter on all things Apple.It was originally published on his site, AAPL Orchard, and is...
View ArticleBeyond Reblogging: Tumblr in the Future
There are two secrets to Tumblr's runaway success: design and community engagement.In 2012, the microblogging network became one of the top 10 most visited sites in the world, with an audience of...
View ArticleWhy Microsoft's Earnings Report Doesn't Reveal How Windows 8 Is Doing
Microsoft reported an unexpected boost in both profits and revenue within its Windows division for the fourth quarter, and yet little of that had to do with real demand for Windows 8.Well, possibly. Or...
View ArticleWhy The Idea of a Google Driverless Car is Nonsense
The tech press in the USA typically refers to the driverless car as “the Google driverless car” and talks this up as an opportunity for the search giant to move beyond its current business model. I...
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