Video Of The Week: The Golden Rules
Here's an oldie but goodie. I think it is as true of mobile apps as web apps.The 10 Golden Principles of Successful Web Apps from Carsonified on Vimeo.Read more posts on A VC »Please follow SAI on...
View ArticleUber’s Transparent New Year’s Eve
I like the transparency with their users. I like the awareness / intelligence of the pricing. And I like how its done with a marketing spin on it as well. (read more at Uber)Read more posts on...
View ArticleHeaded Home
Waiting to board this plane and fly home (@ Delta Sky Club - Satellite 1 (デルタ・スカイクラブ - 第1サテライト) w/ 2 others) [pic]:— Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) December 31, 2012Read more posts on A VC...
View ArticleAnnouncing the SportsCenter Feed for iPhone & iPad
This is the first of a few posts on ESPN’s product launches / updates. You can view them all in three places:, and on this blog. I am late to announce the...
View ArticlePutting 2012 To Bed
I'm typing this on my phone as our plane is starting to descend into the NY metro area. We will land at JFK within the hour.I've wanted to write a year end post for days. I actually wrote one and...
View ArticleThe Fiscal Mess: Death By A Thousand Cuts
Whomever came up with the term fiscal cliff to describe the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and the simultaneous sequester of across the board spending cuts did not do us any favors. I honestly had...
View ArticleTop 50 iPhone And iPad Games Of 2012: 10-1
Here we are, the best iOS games of the year. We started with a list of 200, whittled that down to about 100, then the gloves came off, as we fought to include certain titles and said painful goodbyes...
View Article2013 iOS and Android Predictions: We Can See The Future Edition
2012 was an excellent year for iOS and Android, with a variety of outstanding games debuting on a weekly basis. Since the smartphone and tablet markets advance at such a rapid pace, 2013 should easily...
View ArticleGreat Rose Bowl Social Ad From Vizio
You can watch the Rose Bowl (Stanford vs. Wisconsin) on ESPN right now and on WatchESPN.You can follow on the new SportsCenter Feed and ScoreCenter. And you can cheer socially on ESPN’s homepage with...
View ArticleiPhone And iPad Price Drops: January 2, 2013
YesterdayThe developer says:"A psycho is killing beggars alive in New York. A Y-shaped scar forms in the hands of seemingly unrelated people. The press and the media just don't care, so Henry White, a...
View ArticleSlow year in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley venture capitalists are reining in their investments, reports the Wall Street Journal. In the third quarter of 2012, investors put $6.9 billion into U.S. venture-backed startups, down...
View ArticleRAD Soldiers Review (iPhone, iPad)
After gorging ourselves silly over the festive season on one of the finest games of 2012, the outstanding modernized edition of X-COM: Enemy Unknown, we're nothing less than delighted to return to work...
View ArticleRyan Block: Why I’m Quitting Instagram
This month, surely to the chagrin of family members and friends with whom I haven’t spoken face to face for over a decade, I quit Facebook. I also suspended posting photos to Instagram, the photo...
View ArticleHas Facebook's Reign Come And Gone Already?
A smart friend of mine, a longtime industry veteran, once shared with me an interesting observation about the companies that dominate the computing industry. His idea was that there's always a top dog,...
View ArticleCan Samsung Survive Without Android?
Samsung (005930) is the world’s top Android smartphone vendor by a staggering margin. Aside from LG (066570), which managed a small $20 million profit from its mobile division last quarter, no other...
View ArticleRAD Soldiers Cheats And Tips (iPhone, iPad)
Earlier today, we reviewed the latest turn-based strategy game to hit the App Store, RAD Soldiers. The game was in development for most of 2012, and eventually came out just in time for us to disappear...
View ArticleWhere's My Holiday? Review (iOS, Android)
With Christmas trees still in homes and boxes of holiday cards on discount at the local supermarket, we had no qualms playing Disney's Where's My Holiday?, a freemium iOS and Android title that serves...
View Article10 Free iOS And Android Games To Play Right Now: January 2, 2013
2012 ended, but its games continue to dominate the App Store and Google Play, particularly the free titles every iOS and Android owner should enjoy well into the new year. With this in mind, make sure...
View ArticleCreating An Innovative Corporate Culture, Citrix Style
This article originally appeared on Forbes HEREAs part of UC Santa Barbara’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Citrix's CEO, Mark Templeton shared his advice regarding building and maintaining a healthy...
View ArticleFeature Friday: Privacy
The Gotham Gal and I went out with friends last night. As can happen, we got talking shop towards the end of the night. And specifically we were debating the significance of Snapchat. The debate was...
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