Angry Birds Star Wars: More Than A Sequel
It's easy to label Rovio Entertainment's newest effort, Angry Birds Star Wars, as a cheap cash-in, further proof that Lucasfilm will seek to merchandise its cash cow at all costs. On the flip side,...
View ArticleFifth Gen iPod Touch Review
This article was originally published on our sister site in the DF Hardware channel.Given Apple's intense focus on the iPhone and iPad, not to mention the newly-announced iPad mini, you'd...
View ArticleVC-Backed Ad Tech Has Made A Mess Of Digital Marketing
Looking back over the past 20 years in the Digital Marketing bubble, there have been a handful of disruptive “barbarians at the gate” moments that shake our foundations and challenge the way we think...
View ArticleiPhone And iPad Price Drops: November 8, 2012
ShellrazerThe developer says:"You are a Klang Clan Turtle Wrangler and you must ensure your War Turtle completes his annual trek across the Goblin Kingdoms. Battle hordes of goblin archers, ballooners,...
View ArticlePixld Interview With Airtight Mobile's Doug Magruder
Last week we published our review of Pixld, the mobile puzzle game from the creators of Quantum Conundrum. We awarded the game a 4.5 out of 5 stars for its simple but endlessly compelling gameplay....
View Articlead:tech chat with Dave Morgan
Dave Morgan is one of my favorite entrepreneurs. We've backed him twice at USV and he is also a very good friend to my and my partners. Dave has been building businesses at the intersection of madison...
View ArticleWhy Twitter’s Election Night Success Is Not a Success
Twitter is bragging because it didn't go down on Election Day. The info-bloat peaked at 327,452 tweets-per-minute last night, and not a single Fail Whale appeared! High fives all around! Way to... work...
View ArticleIs Election Predictor Nate Silver A Witch? Probably. And Quantified Self Data...
Scientists are yesterday’s wizards and demigods. And Nate Silver is a scientist. One whose ability to predict the outcome of elections is so precise, it’s nearly indistinguishable from magic. That’s...
View ArticleThe Frictionless Experience
Apple has released its iPad mini, Microsoft has unveiled its Surface RT, and Google has expanded its play with the Nexus 10 tablet. While there are many advantages to each of these devices, Apple...
View ArticleCuriosity: What Do Game Developers Think?
Everyone has an opinion about Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube, the first release from Peter Molyneux's new studio 22Cans. Yesterday we took a look at the types of tapper you can find working away at...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Quickly Grabs App Store's Top Paid Spot
Angry Birds Star Wars debuted early this morning and consumers wasted no time making it the number one paid app on the App Store, both for iPhone and iPad. Currently, the former has 303 five-star...
View ArticlePixld Tips And Tricks: Get The Inside Track
Airtight Mobile's fantastically fiendish puzzle game Pixld is still eating up a worrying amount of our free time, but it's safe to say the game still has the capacity to confuse and panic...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Cinematic Trailer
Have to admit, Rovio Entertainment did one heck of a job updating its Angry Birds Tumblr, which has been exclusively Star Wars related. That said, and in celebration of the recently released Angry...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Review (iOS, Android)
Angry Birds Star Wars is the result of a wonderful partnership between Rovio Entertainment and Lucasfilm. Although it's one of several licensed video games on smartphones and tablets (Disney's Where's...
View ArticleWraithborne Review (iPhone, iPad)
This article originally appeared on Modojo.Until we can sample the delights of games like Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 on the go, we're always interested in taking a look at a new game that lets us crawl...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Achieves Critical Acclaim
Angry Birds Star Wars Trailer Roundup- We Have You NowThere was no doubt in our minds that Rovio's Angry Birds Star Wars would become a commercial success, what with Luke Skywalker bird...
View ArticleCommunity is Family
This week’s The Founders is awesome. It reminds us that there are real people and real families behind every startup. I’ve experienced this over and over again in my 17 years in Boulder and it’s...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Cheats And Tips
This article originally appeared on Modojo.By all accounts, Angry Birds Star Wars is this week's biggest smartphone and tablet game, and for great reason. You'll find over 80 challenging levels, each...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Achievements
Angry Birds Star Wars comes with 35 achievements to unlock. Some, like smashing 50 blocks with a lightsaber, are easy to obtain. Others, however, literally take a certain number of hours. With this in...
View ArticleSkylanders Lost Islands Review (iPhone, iPad)
The Skylanders franchise is all too easily written off as the territory of kids gaming, something to keep them happy while you play more "meaningful" games. Talk to anyone who's sat down with their...
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