Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy blew through New York city this week, giving us different insights in the make-up of technology and how a single catastrophe can be broken into different models. Here are some...
View ArticleMicrosoft’s mid-life crisis
It’s a well-known trope of many Hollywood movies: the former high school champions marries the prom queen, who also happens to be the daughter of the richest man in town, and several decades down the...
View ArticleGet out in town
I’ve long complained about groupthink and how it helps create sub-standard products in the long run but two trends in the tech world seem to reinforce the concept of building gated communities that...
View ArticleWhy antitrust lawsuits fail
This week, news that the FTC is looking to go after Google for antitrust violation started seeping out. The concern, according the reports, is that Google has built such a strong business in the search...
View ArticleWhy Apple should acquire Nokia
If you were to look at how the smartphone market has led serious blows to Nokia, you might think the company is doomed to closure. But smart acquisitions and an extensive patent portfolio may make them...
View ArticleiPhone And iPad Price Drops: November 5, 2012
Sonic JumpThe developer says:"The original platform jumper is back as Sonic leaps up an all new vertically challenging adventure in stunning HD graphics!"Price: $0.99User Rating: 4.5 StarsDownload...
View ArticleExtreme Road Trip 2 Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)
The gameplay concept of Extreme Road Trip 2 couldn't be simpler. You are in a car. Your foot is inexplicably wedged down on the accelerator. There's an endless sprawl of valleys and hills standing...
View ArticleMBA Mondays: One More Thing On Sustainability Before We Move On
I'd like to tie together two posts and make a final point on Sustainability.In my first post for the Sustainability class, I wrote:Clay Christensen talks about this kind of thing all the time. Big...
View ArticleFinding Traction
Ever since I did the American River 50 Mile Endurance Run I’ve been fascinated with ultramarathons. After struggling through the emotional fallout of the six weeks after the race, I decided that for...
View ArticleIt Finally Makes Sense To Upgrade From Windows XP
WHETHER by coincidence or not, Windows 8—Microsoft’s radical rewrite of its popular operating system—hit the streets on October 26th, 11 years almost to the day the most popular operating system of all...
View ArticleHow Apple Avoids Paying Billions in Taxes
Thanks to a complex network of offshore accounts and cleverly named subsidiaries, Apple, the world's most valuable company, paid just $713 million on its $36.8 billion in foreign earnings last quarter....
View ArticlePixld Review (iPhone, iPad)
It shouldn't come as any surprise to learn that the simple dual-color gameplay of Pixld has sprung forth from two of the minds behind Valve's masterpiece Portal. This mobile game is just as deceptively...
View ArticleWhy Startup Entrepreneurs Need to Communicate More Like George Bush Than Al Gore
This article originally appeared on TechCrunch.It is election season.So it’s tempting to think this is going to be a partisan post – it is not.I use George Bush vs. Al Gore as allegory and I’ve been...
View ArticleDear Android: It Is Now Perfectly Okay To Go Out And Do Donuts In The Parking...
Android now holds 75% share of the smartphone market, according to new numbers from IDC, while Apple in the most recent quarter had 15% share. That means Android is outselling Apple five to one. Last...
View ArticleDisruptions: Twitter’s Uneasy Role in Guarding the Truth
Everybody lies.Children lie about brushing their teeth. Politicians stretch the truth in the heat of a campaign. Newspaper reporters have been caught lying, as have best-selling book authors;...
View ArticleFacebook Admits Too Much Facebook Probably Isn’t Healthy
You could call it a massive social media mistake by social media itself. I think it was an admirable moment of honesty between Facebook and the world. Maybe it’s both. But this week Facebook’s official...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars: Official Trailer Makes Midi-chlorians Happy
Finally, after a bunch of teasers, Rovio Entertainment released the official Angry Birds Star Warstrailer, which shows off a generous portion of gameplay that showcases new bird abilities and even the...
View ArticleSlenderman: Unknown Chronicles Review (iPhone, iPad)
This article originally appeared on Modojo.Barring some unforeseen breakthrough, it appears the App Store will continue to suffer from boring and ill-conceived video games based on Slender: The Eight...
View ArticleWant to Be Profitable in the Subscription Economy?
The secret to profitability can be found through usage data. By “usage data” we mean data concerning customers’ usage of a subscription service. This metric is the basis for designing rate plans and...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Trailer Roundup- We Have You Now
November 8 marks the highly anticipated release of Angry Birds Star Wars, perhaps the biggest title in Rovio Entertainment's million-selling franchise. With this in mind, the company has done a fine...
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