Status Update
The Gotham Gal and I have received countless messages from many of you wishing us well and volunteering all sorts of things. We even were offered use of a 3400 sf apartment on the upper west side! It...
View ArticleSome Big Questions For Apple After The Shake-Up
KREMLINOLOGISTS looking for a new job might want to start studying the goings-on at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. A rejig of the firm’s top management team and the surprising departure of Scott...
View ArticleWreck-it Ralph Review (iPhone, iPad)
We've already had a taste of Wreck-it Ralph in the form of Fix-it Felix Jr., a little slice of old-school gaming that introduced the titular character from Disney's recent movie to the mobile gaming...
View ArticleApple Shake-Up Could End Real-World Images
Whether they realize it or not, all of those who swipe a finger down from the top of the iPhone’s screen to check for notifications are bearing witness to a big sore point within Apple. There, behind...
View ArticleWhen Is iCloud Going To Be More Reliable?
Eddy Cue might have the least desirable job at Apple. Not only has he been in charge of whipping Apple’s problematic internet services division into shape, he’s just been given two more headaches to...
View ArticleCan Google Sell Any Nexus Tablets Without Retail Stores?
Google’s Nexus tablets are supposed to be credible competitors to Apple’s iPads and Amazon’s Kindle Fires. And they’re actually selling pretty well — approaching 1 million sales a month, Google’s...
View ArticleAngry Birds Space: Update 1.3.1 Now Available
The ever-popular Angry Birds Space has just been updated with ten brand-new levels. Set on the Red Planet, this latest instalment sees the birds recovering their eggs from the Bad Piggies while...
View ArticleAngry Birds Star Wars Preview
Angry Birds Star Wars came as a shock. We expected series creator Rovio Entertainment to dream up new ways to expand the franchise. A potential blockbuster deal with Lucasfilm (recently sold to Disney...
View ArticleAmazon’s Beautiful Cloud Drive for Android Splash Page
I love this graphic / splash page for Amazon’s new Cloud Drive Photos for Android application. Beautiful and really, really well done: “Cloud Drive Photos for Android lets you protect your photos in...
View ArticleDEAR APPLE: I'm Leaving You
Ed Conway (@edconwaysky) is the economics editor for Sky News and the author of The Real Economy. He recently wrote a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook explaining why he was done with the company. Ed gave...
View Article#Sandy
My family and I have been witness to and beneficiary of amazing providence in this week of Sandy. We are incredibly lucky. Seeing the complete destruction of entire neighborhoods on the Jersey Shore...
View ArticleiPhone And iPad Price Drops: November 2, 2012
Infinity Blade The developer says: "The first mobile game powered by Epic's cutting-edge Unreal Engine 3 technology, Infinity Blade takes handheld gaming to new heights with gorgeous visuals,...
View ArticleFeature Friday: Kickstarter Goes International
Lost in the crazy week that we are having in NYC is that fact that Kickstarter went international this past week. On Wednesday, Kickstarter announced that projects in the UK were now live on the site....
View ArticleiPad Mini: 10 Free Games Everyone Should Play
It's finally here. After goodness knows how many months of speculation, the iPad Mini is finally available to buy this weekend. Will you be picking one up from your local Apple store? If you are then...
View ArticleInfinity Blade 2- Update 1.3.2 Released
The sequel to Chair Entertainment's monstrously successfully slasher game Infinity Blade has just received a brand-new update that optimizes the game for Apple's latest round of hardware. In addition...
View ArticleChinese Mobil App Momo Dips Toes Abroad
Momo, the Chinese mobile networking service known for its “one night stand” characteristic dipped its toes into oversea market with the launch of an English language version of the app. Its Chinese...
View ArticleDefrag and Blur 2012
Defrag and Blur are only two weeks away, and if you’re not yet registered to come, you should find a way. Why? 1. Makerbot will be there with the Replicator 2 in hand. And is there anything cooler...
View ArticleHeads Up! Hot Dogs Review (iPhone, iPad)
A developer has to go a long way to take the title of Adult Swim's Daftest Game in 2012. We've already been treated to the smiting god-hand of Velocirapture, the complex and romantic tile-shuffling...
View ArticleMadden NFL 13 Social Review (iPhone, iPad)
Madden NFL 13 Social is a bold experiment that may backfire on publisher Electronic Arts. Instead of releasing a port of the console Madden with smartphone and tablet-specific features, the company...
View ArticleIs The iPad Mini The "Real" iPad?
Apple’s iPad mini goes on sale this Friday, and big questions for Apple include: How will it affect overall iPad sales? Will it cannibalize bigger, more expensive iPads? Will it sell out, despite a...
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