Fun Friday: Outing Bad Patents
We've all had that reaction when seeing that a certain patent was issued - "how the hell did they get a patent on that?". Well now we can have fun outing those ridiculous patent applications before...
View ArticleDesigning for Multiple Screen Sizes Is About Consistency
A few years ago I taught a class at New York University in the Interactive Telecommunications Program, called, “1, 2, 10.” The class explored the then-nascent challenge of designing apps and...
View ArticleThe Only iPhone 5 Feature That Matters
Apple's iPhone 5 goes on sale Friday, including a polished new look. But only one new feature actually matters: Its super-fast LTE wireless connection. With Internet access that's amazingly quicker...
View ArticleiOS 6 Maps Debacle Exposes Apple's Achilles' Heel: Services
You known something has gone terribly wrong when a major feature of your most anticipated software release of the year has a parody Tumblr blog and Twitter account in less than 24 hours. If you’ve...
View ArticleHow to Get a Hotel in Vegas at Half Price
Las Vegas offers something for everyone. The high-rollers can bet their fortunes on the blackjack tables. The theatrical buffs can check out the Blue Man Group perform their exciting routine. The...
View ArticleThe Only Two Ways To Build A $100 Million Startup
With tens of thousands of new start-ups being created every year, the potential of a company to truly scale and become a large, stand-alone business is more crucial than ever before. A great product...
View ArticleNow It Makes Even More Sense For Apple To Buy Foursquare
By far, the biggest complaint I've heard about the new iPhone iOS6 operating system is the decision to replace Google Maps with a proprietary Apple map system. The complaints were loudly trumpeted on...
View ArticleThe Real Reason Google is Shutting Down TV Ads (GOOG)
This is a guest post from Bill Wise, CEO of ad tech company Mediaocean. With Google sunsetting its TV Ads program, it’s worth asking what really made Google pull out of that line of work—so we can get...
View ArticleJack Dorsey And Twitter: Can You Have A Part-Time Product Visionary?
New York Times technology writer Nick Bilton has published a profile of Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, and the challenges the company is facing as it tries to transform itself from a real-time information...
View ArticleFacebook Commercial Gets Flushed (You Knew This Was Coming)
Facebook’s recent commercial — titled “The Things That Connect Us” — that compared the social networking giant to chairs, as well as bridges and doorbells, got a lot of criticism for being a little...
View ArticleHacker News For Startup Communities
I’m a huge admirer of Hacker News – it’s one of the sites I look at every day in my Daily reading routine. I scan the links, often click through to articles, and occasionally comment. I’ve decided to...
View ArticleThat convert you raised last year is a part of your cap table
When it comes to convertible debt, I’ve had a few instances recently where “out of sight, out of mind” has created some misunderstandings around deal structures. Seemed like a good topic to cover...
View ArticleMakerBot Is Hiring Software and Manufacturing Engineers
MakerBot is hiring a lot of folks but they have a two specific needs that are unique. If you fit the description, or know someone who does, please reach out to me or apply. 1. Software Engineer with a...
View ArticleIn Boulder on Monday 10/15 Talking About Startup Communities
My friends Phil Weiser and Brad Bernthal at Silicon Flatirons (who are a big part of the book Startup Communities) are hosting me in Boulder on Monday for a “Crash Course: Startup Communities –...
View ArticleHelp Wanted: A Gmail Hack To See Only Replies To My Sent Messages
I get behind on email a lot. I am right now actually. At times like this, I often want to use gmail hacks to make sure I am seeing the most important email. I have some that showcase the messages from...
View ArticleThe True Cost Of Facebook Keeping Secrets From Its Users
Facebook recently announced three important projects, all of them potentially successful, all of them at risk. Why? Because the social network doesn't know how to communicate with its users. First, in...
View ArticleThe iPhone 5 Is A Miracle
When Apple unveiled the iPhone 5 last month, many tech pundits called it “boring.” I was one of them. In fact, I was so bored that I called the iPhone boring way back in July, on the basis of the...
View ArticleFor Zynga, It's Not Game Over Yet
FORTUNE -- Zynga was on top of the world 18 months ago, courting Wall Street's crème-de-la-crème as it prepared to enter the public markets in one of the most highly anticipated IPOs in years. Venture...
View ArticleAmazon Proves It Is Ready To Spend Massive Amounts Of Money To Destroy Hulu...
* Amazon's Epix deal includes pay-for-performance provision * Amazon pays more than Netflix on per-sub basis-execs * Amazon spends $1 bln/yr on streaming video content-analyst Inc's deal to...
View ArticleWhy The iPod (Yes, The iPod) Still Matters
Every technology company has a product that can be said to define it. For Microsoft (MSFT), it's Windows. For Google (GOOG), it's Google Search. And for Apple (AAPL), a company that once had the word...
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