December Heat Wave Smashes Temperature Records In New York City
The first day of winter arrived with record-high temperatures for many cities in the eastern United States.In New York City, the temperature in Central Park on Saturday topped out at 65 degrees,...
View ArticlePretty Soon We Need To Talk About Inflation
For the past several years, there's been a chorus of folks warning non-stop about how inflation or hyperinflation was on the verge of coming roaring back.These inflation doomsayers were armed with a...
View ArticleThere's A Hidden Feature In Fox's Holiday-Themed NFL Scoreboard
Fox brought out its special holiday-themed scoreboard graphic for Week 16 of NFL action.It features (somewhat confusingly) Christmas lights to represent how many timeouts each team has left. It also...
View ArticleThe Jaguars Throw A Screen Pass To A 292-Pound Center Who's Retiring Next Week
After 14 years and 207 starts for the Jacksonville Jaguars, 292-pound center Brad Meester got a special gift in his final home game.In the first quarter of Jacksonville's game today against the Titans,...
View ArticleNassim Taleb Has A Very Sensible Tip For Doing New Year's Resolutions And...
Author Nassim Taleb has a good suggestion for doing New Year's Resolutions.He posted this on his Facebook page:PLEASE SHARE VIA NEGATIVA RULES.I am quite certain that new year resolutions don't really...
View ArticleHere's What Happened When Cracker Barrel Briefly Decided To Get Rid Of 'Duck...
Here's a funny and instructive side story in the "Duck Dynasty" affair. Cracker Barrel, the popular roadside "home cooking" restaurant chain, announced today it would stop carrying Duck Dynasty...
View ArticleDuck Dynasty Fans Are Sending Me Ridiculous Hate Mail
Some people did not like my recent article about Phil Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty.In the article, I noted problems with Robertson's comments that go far beyond the idea that homosexuality is a sin....
View ArticleRIP: The Gold Bulls' Most Beloved Chart Died In 2013 (GLD)
Fans of gold have long argued that aggressive monetary policy around the world — the likes of which we've seen since the financial crisis — would cause the price of the shiny yellow metal to climb.They...
View ArticleHow Far Is The Fed Going To Let This Run?
"Investors have been bidding up money market yields since the Fed started tapering, and conversations with hedge fund investors suggest that many of them expect the market to challenge the Fed’s...
View ArticleNYC Mayor-Elect De Blasio Picks Ex-Goldman Exec For Top Role
Alicia Glen, the former head of urban investment at Goldman Sachs, will serve as deputy mayor for housing and economic development, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio announced this morning.Glen, 47, oversaw...
View ArticleCHART: This Year's Bowl Games Have Fewer Mediocre Teams
Of the 35 college football bowl games that will be played this season, seven will feature a team without a winning record. While that may sound like a lot, it is actually the fewest number of...
View ArticleHow To Spend $5 And Give The Best Secret Santa Gift In Your Office
This year, Business Insider had its first Secret Santa gift exchange. The budget was $10.I'm going to be bold and say that my $5 gift was the most talked about present this year based on Twitter...
View ArticleNewcastle Offered Free Cab Rides To Anyone Willing To Advertise Its Beer...
Beer companies often promote their products with images of partying and a safety message like "Please Drink Responsibly" tacked on. Maybe they include a scene of a designated driver taking his drunk...
View Article9 Huge Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened
We all know the conspiracy theories — the government's plan for 911, the second gunman who shot JFK, the evolution of the elite from a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. But the people who...
View ArticleTwitter Cofounder Jack Dorsey Is Joining Disney's Board (DIS)
Jack Dorsey is joining the board of Disney. Dorsey is one of the cofounders of Twitter, and the company's chairman.He's also the CEO of Square, a mobile payments company. Disney CEO Bob Iger is on the...
View Article23 Reasons Why Being A Wall Streeter Is Just The Worst
If you're considering going to Wall Street, you should really know what you're getting into.Yes, you will get paid better than average people all over the world. Yes, you will get to learn new things...
View ArticleRand Paul Is Doing An Epic 'Airing Of Grievances' On Twitter
Today is "Festivus," the fake holiday made popular by "Seinfeld" in a classic 1997 episode. To commemorate the occasion, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced this morning on Twitter that he would be...
View ArticleDon't Trust The Pictures Hotels Post On Their Websites
Hotels aren't always completely honest when it comes to the photos they post on their websites.Professional reviewers from hotel review website Oyster visited vacation properties from Barbados to...
View ArticleThe Biggest, Most Ridiculous Casinos On The Planet Are In Macau — Not Vegas
Most people think Las Vegas is the capital of the casino world.It's not.Casino revenues in Macau, the semi-autonomous administrative region of China, surpassed those of Vegas years ago. It benefits...
View ArticleThis Is All-Star Designer Khoi Vinh's Next Move, And It's Awesome
Khoi Vinh, the genius behind Mixel, is on to his next venture.Vinh just joined Wildcard, a company started by Jordan Cooper, the entrepreneur who sold his company, Hyper Public, to Groupon. Vinh is on...
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