Ousted Co-Founder Slams Snapchat's Restraining Order As 'Meritless'
Ousted Snapchat co-founder Reggie Brown has fired back against Snapchat and its law firm, Quinn Emanuel.On Friday afternoon, Quinn Emanuel requested a temporary restraining order against Brown. It...
View ArticleHere's What NBA Players Looked Like Before They Were Covered In Tattoos
Tattoos are pretty popular in the NBA. Lots of players have them, and several of them have tattoos covering their arms and chests.But even the guys who are covered, like Birdman and J.R. Smith were...
View ArticleMarkets Aren't Doing Anything
Good morning.It's extremely quiet in the world of markets as we're in a little bit of a lull, waiting for the Fed while very little economic data is coming out.US futures are essentially flat. Europe...
View ArticleHousehold Mortgage Debt Rises For The First Time Since Q1 2008
The Federal Reserve released the Q3 2013 Flow of Funds report today: Flow of Funds.According to the Fed, household net worth increased in Q3 compared to Q2, and is at a new record. Net worth peaked at...
View ArticleWe Love What Warren Buffett Says About Life, Luck, And Winning The 'Ovarian...
Warren Buffett recently met with a group of MBA students.A student asked him what shaped his political views (Buffett is a Democrat). The famous investor offered a great through experiment, which...
View ArticleThe World Gathers In South Africa To Celebrate Nelson Mandela
Heads of state from around the world are gathering at Soweto, South Africa to attend the memorial service of Nelson Mandela.“The world literally is coming to South Africa,” said Clayson Monyela, the...
View ArticleThe Greek Economy Continues To Be Dismal
Despite some signs of improvement here and there, actual numbers from Greece continue to be horrible.#Greece industrial production -5.2% in Oct, since Apr 2008 had only four positive YoY readings...
View ArticleUS Set To Adopt New Rules To Reduce Risky Bank Trading
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators are set on Tuesday to approve a rule to rein in risky trading by banks, a crucial part of their efforts to reform Wall Street and prevent another costly taxpayer...
View ArticleThree Tweets Show Why The GOP Establishment Vs. Tea Party Primaries Are So...
Yesterday evening, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) filed to challenge Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the number two ranking Republican in the Senate, for his seat next year. Stockman's last second decision...
View ArticleHere's An Awesome New iPhone App To Help You Find A Quick Paying Job
Fiverr, the popular online source that lets anyone take small jobs, is now available on the iPhone.The app operates the same way as the desktop version but with a few tweaks for the mobile platform.The...
View ArticleMcDonald's And Starbucks' CEOs Make More Than $9,200 An Hour
The chief executives of McDonald's and Starbucks earn more than $9,200 an hour, which is at least 1,000 times the hourly wages of their sales associates, according to a new report by the personal...
View ArticleThai Prime Minister Holds Backs Tears As She Urges Protesters To Back Down
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Her eyes welling with tears, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra pleaded on Tuesday for anti-government protesters to clear the streets after she called a snap election, but...
View ArticleDo Yourself A Favor And Outsource Christmas
For all its joy and good tidings, the holiday season can be one of the busiest times of the year, and particularly so for professional women, who are often the event planner, chef, and chief shopper of...
View Article7 Charts On How American Health Has Changed Since The 90s
America's Health Rankings just released their annual report, which analyzes the nation's health every year and ranks the states from healthiest to unhealthiest. You can check out the 10 healthiest...
View ArticleREPORT: There's An 'Urgent' Situation On International Space Station After...
There is an "urgent" situation aboard the International Space Station, NBC News' Tom Costello is reporting.The spacecraft's cooling system has reportedly failed.The crew is safe, and the situation...
View ArticleAn Animal Rights Group Was Forced To Censor Its Ads Asking People Not To Eat...
Since September, the animal-rights group Animals Asia has distributed almost 300 anti-dog and cat meat fliers throughout 14 Chinese cities, in train stations, bus stations and elevators. Despite plenty...
View ArticleWhy CEOs Should Unload The Office Dishwasher
It's very important to remain approachable and available to your staff if you want everyone to contribute, says Scott Ferber, CEO of digital video advertising platform Videology."When people see you...
View ArticleThis Simple Infographic Will Help You Decide Between A Roth And Traditional IRA
We all know we should be saving for retirement.But one of the reasons why we don't is because there's tons of intimidating jargon.For example, what the heck is a Roth IRA?The introduction of the Roth...
View ArticleMOBILE VIDEO CONTENT: This Is What People Like To Watch On Their Tablets And...
KEY POINTSMobile video continues its massive surge as users rapidly adopt tablets and smartphones as mainstream devices for video viewing. Tablets and smartphones now account for 15% of all online...
View ArticleThe Mysterious $50 Million Investor In Snapchat Is Hedge Fund Coatue
Coatue Management is the mystery investor behind Snapchat's new $50 million round of financing.In fact, it's the only investor in this round of financing.This is the second major startup deal Coatue...
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