The 18 Best-Selling Cars In America
America's automakers released their November data, exceeding market expectations ahead of the holiday season.Chrysler's sales jumped 16% to 142,275 units during the month, while Ford was up 7.1%...
View ArticleJohn Boehner Very Quietly Made A Major Move On Immigration Reform Today
House Speaker John Boehner announced on Tuesday the hire of Rebecca Tallent, a top immigration policy aide who will advise the Speaker on the topic. Tallent joins Boehner's office from the Bipartisan...
View ArticleTexas School Principal Placed On Leave After Forbidding Students From...
School principal placed on paid leave after forbidding students from speaking Spanish in classHEMPSTEAD, Texas (AP) — A Southeast Texas middle school principal has been placed on paid leave after she...
View ArticleInstead Of Trying To Time The Market, Investors Should Just Rebalance Their...
FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.This Is A Great Time For Investors To Rebalance Their Portfolios...
View ArticleHere’s The Plan Behind An Incredibly Ambitious Floating City Called Freedom Ship
Back in the nineties, a team of visionaries started planning a floating city of 50,000 to 100,000 people, with shops, restaurants, and other amenities, that would travel the globe and let people spend...
View ArticleSnapchat Just Nabbed An Important Advertising Exec Away From Facebook (FB)
Snapchat has scored a major coupe in its efforts to figure out how to make money. Emily White, the executive who was leading Facebook's Instagram advertising program is leaving to become COO of...
View ArticleA California Woman Got A Traffic Ticket For Driving With Google Glass
What could be the first ever court case for driving with Google Glass is in the works.The woman who got the ticket is fighting it, reports the AP's Justin Pritchard.The gist of the story is this: In...
View ArticleYahoo Acquires And Shuts Down Startup Ptch (YHOO)
Ptch, a startup that spun out of Dreamworks Animation, has been acquired by Yahoo and will shut down on January 2, 2014, the company announced on its website.Terms were not disclosed.Ptch's mobile...
View ArticleTablets Are Becoming More Important Than Smartphones For Online Shopping, But...
This year will mark a major milestone for tablets and their influence on Internet retailers. We believe tablets will draw even with smartphones, and account for 50% of the total value of U.S. retail...
View ArticleDon't Believe Porn Addiction Is Real? Check Out These Numbers
A Reddit community called NoFap wants you to rethink your relationship with Internet pornography. And they're not the only ones – Project Know, a drug, and alcohol rehab program, gives you its rundown...
View ArticleTwo Dead, One Injured After Skydivers Collide In Midair
Two skydivers were killed Tuesday after a midair collision over Eloy, Ariz., the local ABC news affiliate is reporting. The incident reportedly occurred around 4:51 p.m. at Skydive Arizona, with...
View ArticleLouisville Basketball Player Suddenly Collapses During Game, Taken To Hospital
Louisville G Antonita Slaughter collapses, taken to hospitalLOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Antonita Slaughter, a senior guard for No. 7 Louisville, collapsed early in the Cardinals' game against Missouri State...
View Article11 Of Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey's Favorite Things You Can Buy Online
It's not often that we get to see the exact products that the rich and famous are into.That's why it's pretty neat to see Jack Dorsey's page showing his favorite products on Square Market, his payment...
View ArticleNYPD Officer, Two Others Indicted On Extortion Scheme For Alleged Shakedown...
An officer with the New York Police Department has been indicted along with two other men on federal extortion charges for allegedly threatening a restaurant owner in Queens and collecting "protection"...
View ArticleReport: Newsweek To Resurrect Their Print Issue
International current affairs magazine Newsweek plans to relaunch its print edition in early 2014, just over one year after ceasing publication to focus on its website, the New York Times reported...
View ArticleAlleged Drug Dealer Said He Had Photos Of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Doing 'Heroin'
New court documents released Wednesday link Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who infamously admitted to smoking crack last month, to another hard drug — heroin, CTV news reports.The court documents detail...
View ArticleCloud Computing Guru Marc Benioff Offered To Fix For Free And...
It's no secret that the White House called in a bunch of Internet gurus from big U.S. tech companies to help them fix the floundering website.But they could have gotten a lot more help...
View ArticleCHART OF THE DAY: People Watch A Lot Of TV
Despite a lot of chatter about the coming death of TV, for now, it's quite healthy.In fact, new data from Nielsen, via All Things D, shows that we're watching more TV than ever.How we're watching is...
View ArticleHere's How The Fiscal Cliff Deal Screwed Over The Poor
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is out with a report today on the distribution of federal taxes and it shows how low-income Americans were hurt by last year's fiscal cliff deal.In 2010, the top...
View Article400,000-Year-Old Hominin DNA Throws Everything We Know About Human Evolution...
Four-hundred-thousand-year-old human remains found deep in the Pit of Bones— a cave 43 feet under the ground in northern Spain — could hold the secrets of our origin. For now, however, the first...
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