The only things
The only things that are important in life are the things you remember.– Jean Renoir, as recalled by James Salter, in the New Yorker.Read more posts on »Join the conversation about this...
View ArticlePop-Up Magazine & Commencement
Pop-Up Magazine is an amazing “live” magazine that started here in San Francisco, and consists talks, performances, demos and slide shows in front of a live audience. It is a live event that only...
View ArticleHuman rights begin in small places
“Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual...
View ArticleA place belongs forever
“A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image.”—Joan...
View ArticleProust on Newspapers
What I fault newspapers for is that day after day they draw our attention to insignificant things whereas only three or four times in our lives do we read a book in which there is something really...
View ArticleThis Startup Could Save Schools Thousands With Technology To Make Aging...
There are juice boxes, and there are "Juiceboxes." Jonathan Hefter and his team at New York City-based Neverware have created the latter, a large-computer-sized box of technology that can plug into...
View ArticleFun Friday: Staying Cool
It's time for a fun friday again. I'm not sure when the last time we did this, but it's been a while.I've been in europe all week where it has been warm. But I've heard that its been steamy in NYC...
View ArticleActivist Shareholders Are Demanding A Board Seat At Microsoft (MSFT)
NEW YORK/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Members of Microsoft Corp's board have held talks with ValueAct Capital Management LP in recent days over the activist shareholder's demands to secure a seat on the...
View ArticleVideo Of The Week: Albert Wenger at the Delaware B Corporation Announcement
This week Delaware, where many of the top US companies are incorporated, announced that their corporate statutes will recognize the B Corporation (Benefit Corporation).My partner Albert Wenger, who has...
View ArticleMusicians' Union Demands More Money From Spotify
Britain's biggest musicians' union has entered the growing row over Spotify, demanding that the music streaming service draw up a new minimum pay deal for artists.The Musicians' Union, which has more...
View ArticleDavid Cameron: Firms Like Google Need To Do More To Block 'Depraved and...
David Cameron said on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show that search engines such as Google need to do more to block results for ‘depraved and disgusting’ searches for child abuse.Cameron said: "I think it's...
View ArticleMailing It In
We flew down to Williamsburg Virginia yesterday to attend my dad's 85th birthday. He and my mom are in great shape and my brothers and their families were there. It was a great evening. On the flight...
View ArticleRecent Patent Shows Apple iWatch May Use Metal That's 'Twice The Strength Of...
Many Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) watchers are familiar with the incredibly strong alloy known as Liquidmetal. Apple acquired the rights to this unique material in a 2010 deal with Liquidmetal Technologies...
View ArticleApple Confirms Developer Website Hacked, Can't Rule Out Stolen Data
(Reuters) - Apple Inc's main website for developers remains shut after intruders tried to steal sensitive information last week, forcing the iPhone maker to overhaul its database and server software to...
View ArticleCalendar Invite Spam
This is going to be a rant. If you aren't interested, hit the back button now.I am increasingly being spammed in my calendar. People invite me to things I have no interest in attending by spamming my...
View ArticleSquashing Software Patents
Almost a year ago now, I wrote about Ask Patents, a Stack Exchange site launched in partnership with the USPTO to help them identify prior art in software patent applications. Yesterday Joel Spolsky,...
View ArticleA Whole Bunch Of Big Changes Are Coming To Wikipedia
The Wikimedia Foundation, which operates Wikipedia, has been quietly working on a slew of new features which it hopes will encourage more people to contribute to the free, crowdsourced...
View ArticleKids Who Grow Up Using iPads Have Restricted Vocabularies
The iPad generation will learn fewer words, experts fear, as using text messages, emails and computers to learn could be stunting children’s vocabulary.Our brains are hardwired to learn new words when...
View ArticleLightning Fast Google Fiber Internet Service Is Headed To Utah
PROVO, Utah (AP) — Provo is preparing to release details about the city's deal with Google Fiber to provide high-speed Internet and television after nailing down the details this week.Mayor John Curtis...
View ArticleDell Shareholders Vote Today — Here's A Quick Refresher On The Deal To Take...
ROUND ROCK, Texas (Reuters) - Dell Inc shareholders converge on Texas on Wednesday to vote on CEO Michael Dell's $24.4 billion buyout offer for the company after a previous meeting was pushed back a...
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