Online video is sweeping the web--and it's changing the way we learn and do business. Cisco predicts that 90 percent of Web traffic will be video by 2014. And by 2016, the enterprise software industry is expected to be a $4.5 billion market.
As the trends of online video and enterprise software begin to merge, there have been a slew of businesses and institutions of higher education moving to address education video needs.
That's why Kaltura, the world's leading provider of on-demand video software, yesterday hosted the first Kaltura Education Video Summit 2012, a comprehensive conference dedicated to online video in education, learning, and training. The event provided an opportunity for users to connect and network with education video experts, as well as peers from leading educational institutions, to learn more about the effects of video on education and the enterprise.
Kaltura teamed up with Intercall, an industry leader in virtual environments and webcasting, to create the virtual event. The online environment featured a live interactive platform for users to connect with industry leaders, download collateral, and collaborate with peers.
There were more than 2,000 registrants for the event, which featured a number of prominent speakers, including Jack Balkin, Director of the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, David Boyll, Director of Digital Media Technology at Oracle, and John Katzman, Chairman of Noodle Education. Representatives from SAP, Cornell University, Accenture, the University of New Hampshire,National University of Ireland Galway, and Oregon State University were also in attendance.
The live summit included three main topics: Future of Education, Video in Education, and Enterprise Training, Learning, and Collaboration. The topics included discussion of video's effects on learning and everyday business practices--like training and collaboration--as well as case studies and best practices for leveraging video in higher ed and across the enterprise.
Key players are emerging in the online video and enterprise technology industries, meaning the summit stands to become a helpful resource for industry professionals in the coming years.