As longtime Star Wars fans, we've always gravitated towards the evil Empire. Not only do they have the Death Star, but also Darth Vader, Stormtroopers and the Emperor. There's just something cool about a dude that can fire lightning bolts from his fingertips.
Rebel with a cause.
With this in mind, we expected fans to be split right down the middle on the Angry Birds Star Wars Tumblr, which lets visitors vote for their favorite faction: the good-natured Rebel Alliance (home to Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia), or the bad guys. Come on. Darth Vader? Who's better than that guy?
That said, the Rebel Alliance has thus far been the clear winner, and it's not even close. Currently, the Rebels have a 74 percent to 26 percent advantage, taking into account 60,593 votes.
There is, however, a bit of a gray area. Since the Tumblr lets fans switch allegiances, we can't tell how many people turned to the Dark Side, and vice versa. On that note, which is your favorite?
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SEE ALSO: Angry Birds Star Wars: Overwhelming Number Of Fans Prefer Rebel Alliance