I made the trek to Randall's Island last Friday for New York City's Governors Ball, a raucous three-day music festival featuring big-name acts like Drake, My Morning Jacket, and the Black Keys.
Held in early June, the festival marks the beginning of a boozy, drug-addled summer for lots of the city's 20-somethings.
The year's festival didn't disappoint.
I tried to hold my own with New York's wildest partiers, but I'll be honest: I couldn't keep pace.
We started by taking the subway up to 125th Street.

Then came the 15-minute walk to Randall's Island, where the festival was held. There was a huge crowd walking with us.

Just about everyone walking to the festival was finishing their drinks on the way over. Empty beer cans and fifths of liquor littered the bridge.

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